Source code for fastdev.geom.knn

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Union

import torch
from torch.autograd import Function
from torch.autograd.function import once_differentiable

from fastdev.extension import FDEV_EXT

_KNN = namedtuple("_KNN", "dists idx knn")

class _knn_points(Function):
    Torch autograd Function wrapper for KNN C++/CUDA implementations.

    def forward(
        norm: int = 2,
        return_sorted: bool = True,
        K-Nearest neighbors on point clouds.

            p1: Tensor of shape (N, P1, D) giving a batch of N point clouds, each
                containing up to P1 points of dimension D.
            p2: Tensor of shape (N, P2, D) giving a batch of N point clouds, each
                containing up to P2 points of dimension D.
            lengths1: LongTensor of shape (N,) of values in the range [0, P1], giving the
                length of each pointcloud in p1. Or None to indicate that every cloud has
                length P1.
            lengths2: LongTensor of shape (N,) of values in the range [0, P2], giving the
                length of each pointcloud in p2. Or None to indicate that every cloud has
                length P2.
            K: Integer giving the number of nearest neighbors to return.
            version: Which KNN implementation to use in the backend. If version=-1,
                the correct implementation is selected based on the shapes of the inputs.
            norm: (int) indicating the norm. Only supports 1 (for L1) and 2 (for L2).
            return_sorted: (bool) whether to return the nearest neighbors sorted in
                ascending order of distance.

            p1_dists: Tensor of shape (N, P1, K) giving the squared distances to
                the nearest neighbors. This is padded with zeros both where a cloud in p2
                has fewer than K points and where a cloud in p1 has fewer than P1 points.

            p1_idx: LongTensor of shape (N, P1, K) giving the indices of the
                K nearest neighbors from points in p1 to points in p2.
                Concretely, if `p1_idx[n, i, k] = j` then `p2[n, j]` is the k-th nearest
                neighbors to `p1[n, i]` in `p2[n]`. This is padded with zeros both where a cloud
                in p2 has fewer than K points and where a cloud in p1 has fewer than P1 points.
        if not ((norm == 1) or (norm == 2)):
            raise ValueError("Support for 1 or 2 norm.")

        idx, dists = FDEV_EXT.load_module("fastdev_knn").knn_points_idx(p1, p2, lengths1, lengths2, norm, K, version)

        # sort KNN in ascending order if K > 1
        if K > 1 and return_sorted:
            if lengths2.min() < K:
                P1 = p1.shape[1]
                mask = lengths2[:, None] <= torch.arange(K, device=dists.device)[None]
                # mask has shape [N, K], true where dists irrelevant
                mask = mask[:, None].expand(-1, P1, -1)
                # mask has shape [N, P1, K], true where dists irrelevant
                dists[mask] = float("inf")
                dists, sort_idx = dists.sort(dim=2)
                dists[mask] = 0
                dists, sort_idx = dists.sort(dim=2)
            idx = idx.gather(2, sort_idx)

        ctx.save_for_backward(p1, p2, lengths1, lengths2, idx)
        ctx.norm = norm
        return dists, idx

    def backward(ctx, grad_dists, grad_idx):
        p1, p2, lengths1, lengths2, idx = ctx.saved_tensors
        norm = ctx.norm
        # TODO(gkioxari) Change cast to floats once we add support for doubles.
        if not (grad_dists.dtype == torch.float32):
            grad_dists = grad_dists.float()
        if not (p1.dtype == torch.float32):
            p1 = p1.float()
        if not (p2.dtype == torch.float32):
            p2 = p2.float()
        grad_p1, grad_p2 = FDEV_EXT.load_module("fastdev_knn").knn_points_backward(
            p1, p2, lengths1, lengths2, idx, norm, grad_dists
        return grad_p1, grad_p2, None, None, None, None, None, None

[docs] def knn_points( p1: torch.Tensor, p2: torch.Tensor, lengths1: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None, lengths2: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None, norm: int = 2, K: int = 1, version: int = -1, return_nn: bool = False, return_sorted: bool = True, ) -> _KNN: """ K-Nearest neighbors on point clouds. Args: p1: Tensor of shape (N, P1, D) giving a batch of N point clouds, each containing up to P1 points of dimension D. p2: Tensor of shape (N, P2, D) giving a batch of N point clouds, each containing up to P2 points of dimension D. lengths1: LongTensor of shape (N,) of values in the range [0, P1], giving the length of each pointcloud in p1. Or None to indicate that every cloud has length P1. lengths2: LongTensor of shape (N,) of values in the range [0, P2], giving the length of each pointcloud in p2. Or None to indicate that every cloud has length P2. norm: Integer indicating the norm of the distance. Supports only 1 for L1, 2 for L2. K: Integer giving the number of nearest neighbors to return. version: Which KNN implementation to use in the backend. If version=-1, the correct implementation is selected based on the shapes of the inputs. return_nn: If set to True returns the K nearest neighbors in p2 for each point in p1. return_sorted: (bool) whether to return the nearest neighbors sorted in ascending order of distance. Returns: dists: Tensor of shape (N, P1, K) giving the squared distances to the nearest neighbors. This is padded with zeros both where a cloud in p2 has fewer than K points and where a cloud in p1 has fewer than P1 points. idx: LongTensor of shape (N, P1, K) giving the indices of the K nearest neighbors from points in p1 to points in p2. Concretely, if `p1_idx[n, i, k] = j` then `p2[n, j]` is the k-th nearest neighbors to `p1[n, i]` in `p2[n]`. This is padded with zeros both where a cloud in p2 has fewer than K points and where a cloud in p1 has fewer than P1 points. nn: Tensor of shape (N, P1, K, D) giving the K nearest neighbors in p2 for each point in p1. Concretely, `p2_nn[n, i, k]` gives the k-th nearest neighbor for `p1[n, i]`. Returned if `return_nn` is True. The nearest neighbors are collected using `knn_gather` .. code-block:: p2_nn = knn_gather(p2, p1_idx, lengths2) which is a helper function that allows indexing any tensor of shape (N, P2, U) with the indices `p1_idx` returned by `knn_points`. The output is a tensor of shape (N, P1, K, U). """ if p1.shape[0] != p2.shape[0]: raise ValueError("pts1 and pts2 must have the same batch dimension.") if p1.shape[2] != p2.shape[2]: raise ValueError("pts1 and pts2 must have the same point dimension.") p1 = p1.contiguous() p2 = p2.contiguous() P1 = p1.shape[1] P2 = p2.shape[1] if lengths1 is None: lengths1 = torch.full((p1.shape[0],), P1, dtype=torch.int64, device=p1.device) if lengths2 is None: lengths2 = torch.full((p1.shape[0],), P2, dtype=torch.int64, device=p1.device) p1_dists, p1_idx = _knn_points.apply(p1, p2, lengths1, lengths2, K, version, norm, return_sorted) # type: ignore p2_nn = None if return_nn: p2_nn = knn_gather(p2, p1_idx, lengths2) return _KNN(dists=p1_dists, idx=p1_idx, knn=p2_nn if return_nn else None)
[docs] def knn_gather(x: torch.Tensor, idx: torch.Tensor, lengths: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None): """ A helper function for knn that allows indexing a tensor x with the indices `idx` returned by `knn_points`. For example, if `dists, idx = knn_points(p, x, lengths_p, lengths, K)` where p is a tensor of shape (N, L, D) and x a tensor of shape (N, M, D), then one can compute the K nearest neighbors of p with `p_nn = knn_gather(x, idx, lengths)`. It can also be applied for any tensor x of shape (N, M, U) where U != D. Args: x: Tensor of shape (N, M, U) containing U-dimensional features to be gathered. idx: LongTensor of shape (N, L, K) giving the indices returned by `knn_points`. lengths: LongTensor of shape (N,) of values in the range [0, M], giving the length of each example in the batch in x. Or None to indicate that every example has length M. Returns: x_out: Tensor of shape (N, L, K, U) resulting from gathering the elements of x with idx, s.t. `x_out[n, l, k] = x[n, idx[n, l, k]]`. If `k > lengths[n]` then `x_out[n, l, k]` is filled with 0.0. """ N, M, U = x.shape _N, L, K = idx.shape if N != _N: raise ValueError("x and idx must have same batch dimension.") if lengths is None: lengths = torch.full((x.shape[0],), M, dtype=torch.int64, device=x.device) idx_expanded = idx[:, :, :, None].expand(-1, -1, -1, U) # idx_expanded has shape [N, L, K, U] x_out = x[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, K, -1).gather(1, idx_expanded) # p2_nn has shape [N, L, K, U] needs_mask = lengths.min() < K if needs_mask: # mask has shape [N, K], true where idx is irrelevant because # there is less number of points in p2 than K mask = lengths[:, None] <= torch.arange(K, device=x.device)[None] # expand mask to shape [N, L, K, U] mask = mask[:, None].expand(-1, L, -1) mask = mask[:, :, :, None].expand(-1, -1, -1, U) x_out[mask] = 0.0 return x_out