Source code for fastdev.geom.sampling

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import torch
from jaxtyping import Float, Int64

from fastdev.extension import FDEV_EXT

    import fpsample

except ImportError:

# TODO: modify the function signature based on pytorch3d's implementation
[docs] def sample_farthest_points( points: Float[torch.Tensor, "*B N 3"], num_samples: int, random_start: bool = False ) -> Int64[torch.Tensor, "*B num_samples"]: """Sample farthest points. Args: points (Tensor): input points in shape (B, N, 3) or (N, 3) num_samples (int): number of samples Returns: Tensor: indices of farthest points in shape (B, num_samples) or (num_samples,) """ if points.ndim != 2 and points.ndim != 3 or points.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError("points should be in shape (B, N, 3) or (N, 3).") is_batch_input = points.dim() == 3 if not is_batch_input: points = points.unsqueeze(0) if random_start: start_idx = torch.randint(points.shape[1], (points.shape[0],), device=points.device) else: start_idx = torch.zeros((points.shape[0],), dtype=torch.long, device=points.device) indices = FDEV_EXT.load_module("fastdev_sample_farthest_points").sample_farthest_points( points, torch.full((points.shape[0],), fill_value=points.shape[1], dtype=torch.long, device=points.device), torch.full((points.shape[0],), fill_value=num_samples, dtype=torch.long, device=points.device), start_idx, ) if not is_batch_input: return indices.squeeze(0) else: return indices
def sample_farthest_points_numpy( points: Float[np.ndarray, "N 3"], num_samples: int, start_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Int64[np.ndarray, "num_samples"]: # noqa: F821 """Sample farthest points using fpsample. Args: points (np.ndarray): input points in shape (N, 3) num_samples (int): number of samples Returns: np.ndarray: indices of farthest points in shape (num_samples,) """ if not FPSAMPLE_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("fpsample is not available, please install it via `pip install fpsample`.") if points.ndim != 2 or points.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError("points should be in shape (N, 3), no batch support.") return fpsample.bucket_fps_kdline_sampling(points, num_samples, h=3, start_idx=start_idx) # type: ignore __all__ = ["sample_farthest_points"]