Source code for fastdev.geom.utils

import torch

[docs] def masked_gather(points: torch.Tensor, idx: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Helper function for torch.gather to collect the points at the given indices in idx where some of the indices might be -1 to indicate padding. These indices are first replaced with 0. Then the points are gathered after which the padded values are set to 0.0. Args: points: (N, P, D) float32 tensor of points idx: (N, K) or (N, P, K) long tensor of indices into points, where some indices are -1 to indicate padding Returns: selected_points: (N, K, D) float32 tensor of points at the given indices """ if len(idx) != len(points): raise ValueError("points and idx must have the same batch dimension") N, P, D = points.shape if idx.ndim == 3: # Case: KNN, Ball Query where idx is of shape (N, P', K) # where P' is not necessarily the same as P as the # points may be gathered from a different pointcloud. K = idx.shape[2] # Match dimensions for points and indices idx_expanded = idx[..., None].expand(-1, -1, -1, D) points = points[:, :, None, :].expand(-1, -1, K, -1) elif idx.ndim == 2: # Farthest point sampling where idx is of shape (N, K) idx_expanded = idx[..., None].expand(-1, -1, D) else: raise ValueError("idx format is not supported %s" % repr(idx.shape)) idx_expanded_mask = idx_expanded.eq(-1) idx_expanded = idx_expanded.clone() # Replace -1 values with 0 for gather idx_expanded[idx_expanded_mask] = 0 # Gather points selected_points = points.gather(dim=1, index=idx_expanded) # Replace padded values selected_points[idx_expanded_mask] = 0.0 return selected_points