# mypy: disable-error-code="empty-body"
# ruff: noqa: F821
import logging
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, cast, overload
import numpy as np
import torch
import transforms3d
import trimesh
import yourdfpy
from beartype import beartype
from jaxtyping import Bool, Float, Int
from lxml import etree
from trimesh.util import concatenate
from typing_extensions import deprecated
from fastdev.robo.kinematics import calculate_jacobian as calculate_jacobian_pt
from fastdev.robo.kinematics import forward_kinematics as forward_kinematics_pt
from fastdev.robo.kinematics import inverse_kinematics as inverse_kinematics_pt
from fastdev.robo.warp_kinematics import calculate_jacobian as calculate_jacobian_wp
from fastdev.robo.warp_kinematics import forward_kinematics as forward_kinematics_wp
from fastdev.robo.warp_kinematics import forward_kinematics_numpy as forward_kinematics_wp_np
from fastdev.robo.warp_kinematics import inverse_kinematics as inverse_kinematics_wp
logger = logging.getLogger("fastdev")
Device = Optional[Union[str, int, torch.device]] # from torch.types import Device # make mypy happy
ROOT_JOINT_NAME: str = "__root__"
class Geometry(ABC):
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh: ...
class Box(Geometry):
size: List[float]
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
return trimesh.creation.box(self.size)
class Cylinder(Geometry):
radius: float
length: float
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
return trimesh.creation.cylinder(radius=self.radius, height=self.length)
class Capsule(Geometry):
radius: float
length: float
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
return trimesh.creation.capsule(radius=self.radius, height=self.length)
class Sphere(Geometry):
radius: float
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
return trimesh.creation.icosphere(subdivisions=3, radius=self.radius)
def _try_very_hard_to_find_mesh_path(mesh_filename: str, mesh_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
mesh_filename = mesh_filename.replace("package://", "") # remove package://
if mesh_dir is not None:
for level in range(len(os.path.normpath(mesh_filename).split(os.path.sep))):
mesh_filename = os.path.normpath(mesh_filename).split(os.path.sep, level)[-1]
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mesh_dir, mesh_filename)):
return os.path.join(mesh_dir, mesh_filename)
for level in range(len(os.path.normpath(mesh_filename).split(os.path.sep))):
mesh_filename = os.path.normpath(mesh_filename).split(os.path.sep, level)[-1]
if os.path.exists(mesh_filename):
return mesh_filename
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Mesh file not found: {mesh_filename=}, {mesh_dir=}")
class Mesh(Geometry):
scale: List[float]
filename: Optional[str] = None # usually relative path
mesh_dir: Optional[str] = None # usually urdf/mjcf file directory
is_collision_geometry: bool = False
vertices: Optional[np.ndarray] = None # unscaled vertices
faces: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
_scaled_trimesh_mesh: Optional[trimesh.Trimesh] = None
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
if self._scaled_trimesh_mesh is not None:
return self._scaled_trimesh_mesh
if self.vertices is not None and self.faces is not None:
self._scaled_trimesh_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(self.vertices * np.asarray(self.scale), self.faces)
if self.filename is None:
raise ValueError("Either filename or vertices and faces must be provided")
mesh_path = _try_very_hard_to_find_mesh_path(self.filename, self.mesh_dir)
mesh: trimesh.Trimesh = trimesh.load(mesh_path, force="mesh", skip_materials=self.is_collision_geometry) # type: ignore
self._scaled_trimesh_mesh = mesh
return self._scaled_trimesh_mesh
class Material:
name: Optional[str] = None
color: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
texture: Optional[str] = None
class Visual:
origin: np.ndarray
geometry: Geometry
name: Optional[str] = None
material: Optional[Material] = None
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
mesh = self.geometry.get_trimesh_mesh()
return mesh.apply_transform(self.origin)
class Collision:
origin: np.ndarray
geometry: Geometry
name: Optional[str] = None
def get_trimesh_mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
mesh = self.geometry.get_trimesh_mesh()
return mesh.apply_transform(self.origin)
class JointType(Enum):
ROOT = -1 # used for base link, which has no parent joint
REVOLUTE = 2 # aka. rotational
class Joint:
name: str
type: JointType
origin: Float[np.ndarray, "4 4"]
axis: Float[np.ndarray, "3"]
limit: Optional[Float[np.ndarray, "2"]]
parent_link_name: str
child_link_name: str
mimic_joint: Optional[str] = None
mimic_multiplier: Optional[float] = None
mimic_offset: Optional[float] = None
def set_child_link_name(self, child_link_name: str):
object.__setattr__(self, "child_link_name", child_link_name)
def __post_init__(self):
if self.origin.shape != (4, 4):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid origin shape: {self.origin.shape}")
if self.axis.shape != (3,):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid axis shape: {self.axis.shape}")
if self.limit is not None and self.limit.shape != (2,):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid limit shape: {self.limit.shape}")
class Link:
name: str
visuals: List[Visual] = field(default_factory=list)
collisions: List[Collision] = field(default_factory=list)
joint_name: str = field(init=False) # parent joint name in urdf
def set_joint_name(self, joint_name: str):
object.__setattr__(self, "joint_name", joint_name)
def get_trimesh_mesh(self, mode: Literal["visual", "collision"] = "collision") -> trimesh.Trimesh:
if mode == "visual":
meshes = [visual.get_trimesh_mesh() for visual in self.visuals]
elif mode == "collision":
meshes = [collision.get_trimesh_mesh() for collision in self.collisions]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode: {mode}")
return concatenate(meshes) # type: ignore
class ArticulationSpec:
"""Specification for a single articulation.
urdf_or_mjcf_path (str): Path to the URDF or MJCF file.
mesh_dir (str, optional): Directory to store mesh files. Defaults to None.
format (str, optional): Format of the file, either "urdf" or "mjcf". Defaults to None.
mjcf_assets (Dict[str, Any], optional): Assets for MJCF files. Defaults to None.
enable_mimic_joints (bool, optional): Whether to enable mimic joints. Defaults to True.
>>> arti_spec = ArticulationSpec(urdf_or_mjcf_path="assets/robot_description/panda.urdf")
>>> arti_spec.num_dofs
ee_link_names: List[str]
active_joint_names: List[str]
mimic_joint_names: List[str]
full_joint_names: List[str] # active joints + mimic joints
def __init__(
urdf_or_mjcf_path: Union[str, Path],
mesh_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
format: Optional[Literal["urdf", "mjcf"]] = None, # will be inferred if not provided
base_link_name: Optional[str] = None,
ee_link_names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
mjcf_assets: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
enable_mimic_joints: bool = True, # if False, mimic joints will be considered as active joints, only for URDF
# ------------------------------ handle parameters ------------------------------
self.urdf_or_mjcf_path = str(urdf_or_mjcf_path)
if not os.path.exists(self.urdf_or_mjcf_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"URDF/MJCF file not found: {self.urdf_or_mjcf_path}")
if mesh_dir is None:
mesh_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.urdf_or_mjcf_path))
self.mesh_dir = str(mesh_dir)
if format is None:
if self.urdf_or_mjcf_path.endswith(".urdf"):
format = "urdf"
elif self.urdf_or_mjcf_path.endswith(".xml"):
format = "mjcf"
raise ValueError(f"Unknown file format: {self.urdf_or_mjcf_path}")
self.mjcf_assets = mjcf_assets
self.enable_mimic_joints = enable_mimic_joints
# ------------------------------ parse URDF/MJCF ------------------------------
if self.format == "urdf":
self.joint_map, self.link_map = self.parse_urdf()
elif self.format == "mjcf":
self.joint_map, self.link_map = self.parse_mjcf()
raise ValueError(f"Unknown file format: {self.format}")
# set base link name
if base_link_name is None:
self.base_link_name = self.joint_map[ROOT_JOINT_NAME].child_link_name
else: # prune joint map and link map according to provided base link name
if base_link_name not in self.link_map:
raise ValueError(f"Base link name {base_link_name} not found.")
# disconnect base link from its current parent joint
# update root joint to connect to the new base link
# update the base link's joint reference
self.base_link_name = base_link_name
# keep only links in the subtree rooted at the chosen base link
descendant_links: Set[str] = self._collect_descendant_links(base_link_name)
self.link_map = {name: link for name, link in self.link_map.items() if name in descendant_links}
self.joint_map = {
name: joint for name, joint in self.joint_map.items() if joint.child_link_name in descendant_links
# set ee link names
if ee_link_names is None: # infer ee link names if not provided
_link_names = list(self.link_map.keys())
for joint in self.joint_map.values():
if joint.parent_link_name in _link_names:
if len(_link_names) == 0:
raise ValueError("Could not determine end effector link.")
self.ee_link_names = _link_names
else: # prune joint map and link map according to provided ee link names
if isinstance(ee_link_names, str):
ee_link_names = [ee_link_names]
for link_name in ee_link_names:
if link_name not in self.link_map:
raise ValueError(f"End effector link name {link_name} not found.")
self.ee_link_names = ee_link_names
# compute set of links to keep: every provided ee link plus all its ancestors
keep_links = set()
for ee_link_name in ee_link_names:
keep_links |= self._collect_ancestor_links(ee_link_name)
self.link_map = {name: link for name, link in self.link_map.items() if name in keep_links}
self.joint_map = {
name: joint
for name, joint in self.joint_map.items()
if name == ROOT_JOINT_NAME or joint.child_link_name in keep_links
# collect link names
self.link_names = list(self.link_map.keys())
self.num_links = len(self.link_names)
# sort all links in topological order
cur_links = [self.base_link_name]
topological_order = []
while cur_links:
next_links = []
for link_name in cur_links:
for joint in self.joint_map.values():
if joint.parent_link_name == link_name:
cur_links = next_links
self._link_names_topological_order = topological_order
# infer active joint names (including mimic joints here)
self.active_joint_names = [
for joint_name, joint in self.joint_map.items()
if joint.type not in [JointType.FIXED, JointType.ROOT]
# filter out mimic joints from active joint names if `enable_mimic_joints`
if self.enable_mimic_joints:
self.active_joint_names = [
joint_name for joint_name in self.active_joint_names if self.joint_map[joint_name].mimic_joint is None
# infer number of DOFs
self.num_dofs = len(self.active_joint_names)
# check if contains mimic joints
self.has_mimic_joints: bool = any(
self.joint_map[joint_name].mimic_joint is not None for joint_name in self.joint_map
# collect mimic joint
if self.has_mimic_joints:
self.mimic_joint_names: List[str] = []
mimic_joint_indices, mimic_multipliers, mimic_offsets = [], [], []
for joint_name in self.joint_map:
if self.joint_map[joint_name].mimic_joint is not None:
mimic_joint_indices.append(self.active_joint_names.index(self.joint_map[joint_name].mimic_joint)) # type: ignore
self._mimic_joint_indices_np: np.ndarray = np.array(mimic_joint_indices, dtype=np.int64)
self._mimic_multipliers_np: np.ndarray = np.array(mimic_multipliers, dtype=np.float32)
self._mimic_offsets_np: np.ndarray = np.array(mimic_offsets, dtype=np.float32)
self.mimic_joint_names = []
self._mimic_joint_indices_np = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
self._mimic_multipliers_np = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
self._mimic_offsets_np = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
self.num_mimic_joints = len(self.mimic_joint_names)
self.full_joint_names = self.active_joint_names + self.mimic_joint_names
self.num_full_joints = len(self.full_joint_names)
# collect joint limits
if len(self.active_joint_names) == 0:
self._joint_limits_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
elif any(self.joint_map[joint_name].limit is None for joint_name in self.active_joint_names):
self._joint_limits_np = None
self._joint_limits_np = np.stack(
[self.joint_map[joint_name].limit for joint_name in self.active_joint_names], # type: ignore
if not self.has_mimic_joints:
self._mimic_joint_limits_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
elif any(self.joint_map[joint_name].limit is None for joint_name in self.mimic_joint_names):
self._mimic_joint_limits_np = None
self._mimic_joint_limits_np = np.stack(
[self.joint_map[joint_name].limit for joint_name in self.mimic_joint_names], # type: ignore
# ------------------------------ lazy init ------------------------------
self._full_joint_axes_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_indices_topological_order_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_axes_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_origins_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_types_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._parent_link_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_trimesh_meshes: Optional[Dict[str, trimesh.Trimesh]] = None
def _collect_descendant_links(self, root: str) -> Set[str]:
links: Set[str] = {root}
stack: List[str] = [root]
while stack:
current: str = stack.pop()
# add every child link of the current link
for joint in self.joint_map.values():
if joint.parent_link_name == current:
child: str = joint.child_link_name
if child not in links:
return links
def _collect_ancestor_links(self, leaf: str) -> Set[str]:
ancestors: Set[str] = {leaf}
current: str = leaf
while current != self.base_link_name:
parent_joint = self.joint_map[self.link_map[current].joint_name]
current = parent_joint.parent_link_name
return ancestors
def parse_urdf(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Joint], Dict[str, Link]]:
def urdf_str_to_joint_type(joint_type_str: str) -> JointType:
if joint_type_str == "fixed":
return JointType.FIXED
elif joint_type_str == "prismatic":
return JointType.PRISMATIC
elif joint_type_str == "revolute":
return JointType.REVOLUTE
raise ValueError(f"Unknown joint type: {joint_type_str}")
def build_joint_from_urdf(joint_spec: yourdfpy.urdf.Joint) -> Joint:
joint_type = urdf_str_to_joint_type(joint_spec.type)
if (
joint_spec.limit is not None
and joint_spec.limit.lower is not None
and joint_spec.limit.upper is not None
limit = np.array([joint_spec.limit.lower, joint_spec.limit.upper], dtype=np.float32)
limit = None
origin = joint_spec.origin if joint_spec.origin is not None else np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
return Joint(
mimic_joint=None if joint_spec.mimic is None else joint_spec.mimic.joint,
mimic_multiplier=None if joint_spec.mimic is None else joint_spec.mimic.multiplier,
mimic_offset=None if joint_spec.mimic is None else joint_spec.mimic.offset,
def build_geometry_from_urdf(
urdf_geometry: yourdfpy.urdf.Geometry, mesh_dir: str, use_collision_geometry: bool = False
) -> Geometry:
if urdf_geometry.box is not None:
return Box(size=urdf_geometry.box.size.tolist())
elif urdf_geometry.cylinder is not None:
return Cylinder(radius=urdf_geometry.cylinder.radius, length=urdf_geometry.cylinder.length)
elif urdf_geometry.sphere is not None:
return Sphere(radius=urdf_geometry.sphere.radius)
elif urdf_geometry.mesh is not None:
scale_spec = urdf_geometry.mesh.scale
if isinstance(scale_spec, float):
scale: List[float] = [scale_spec, scale_spec, scale_spec]
elif isinstance(scale_spec, np.ndarray):
scale = scale_spec.tolist()
elif scale_spec is None:
scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown scale type: {scale_spec}")
return Mesh(
raise ValueError(f"Unknown geometry type: {urdf_geometry}")
def build_material_from_urdf(urdf_material: yourdfpy.urdf.Material) -> Material:
return Material(
color=urdf_material.color.rgba if urdf_material.color is not None else None,
texture=urdf_material.texture.filename if urdf_material.texture is not None else None,
def build_link_from_urdf(link_spec: yourdfpy.urdf.Link, mesh_dir: str) -> Link:
link = Link(name=link_spec.name)
for visual_spec in link_spec.visuals:
assert visual_spec.geometry is not None, f"Visual {visual_spec.name} has no geometry"
if visual_spec.origin is None:
origin = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
origin = visual_spec.origin
visual = Visual(
visual_spec.geometry, mesh_dir=mesh_dir, use_collision_geometry=False
if visual_spec.material is not None
else None,
for collision_spec in link_spec.collisions:
if collision_spec.origin is None:
origin = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
origin = collision_spec.origin
collision = Collision(
collision_spec.geometry, mesh_dir=mesh_dir, use_collision_geometry=True
return link
# parse URDF
urdf = yourdfpy.URDF.load(
# build joint maps
joint_map: Dict[str, Joint] = {
joint_name: build_joint_from_urdf(joint_spec) for joint_name, joint_spec in urdf.joint_map.items()
# infer base link name
link_names: List[str] = list(urdf.link_map.keys())
for joint in joint_map.values():
if joint.child_link_name in link_names:
if len(link_names) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Expected exactly one base link, got {len(link_names)}")
base_link_name = link_names[0]
# add a root joint for base link
joint_map[ROOT_JOINT_NAME] = Joint(
origin=np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32),
axis=np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32),
limit=np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32),
# build link maps
link_map = {
link_name: build_link_from_urdf(link_spec, mesh_dir=self.mesh_dir)
for link_name, link_spec in urdf.link_map.items()
# set parent joint names for links
for joint_name, joint in joint_map.items():
return joint_map, link_map
def parse_mjcf(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Joint], Dict[str, Link]]:
def is_collision_geometry(geom_spec) -> Optional[bool]:
if geom_spec.contype is None or geom_spec.conaffinity is None:
return None
return geom_spec.contype ^ geom_spec.conaffinity
def build_geometry_from_mjcf(geom_spec, use_collision_geometry: bool = True) -> Geometry:
if geom_spec.type == "box":
return Box(size=geom_spec.size * 2)
elif geom_spec.type == "cylinder":
raise NotImplementedError("Cylinder geometry is not supported in MJCF")
elif geom_spec.type == "mesh" or geom_spec.mesh is not None:
scale_spec = geom_spec.mesh.scale
if isinstance(scale_spec, float):
scale: List[float] = [scale_spec, scale_spec, scale_spec]
elif isinstance(scale_spec, np.ndarray):
scale = scale_spec.tolist()
elif scale_spec is None:
scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown scale type: {scale_spec}")
mesh: trimesh.Trimesh = trimesh.load( # type: ignore
file_type=geom_spec.mesh.file.extension.replace(".", ""),
return Mesh(scale=scale, _scaled_trimesh_mesh=mesh, is_collision_geometry=use_collision_geometry)
elif geom_spec.type == "capsule":
return Capsule(radius=geom_spec.size[0], length=geom_spec.size[1] * 2)
elif geom_spec.type == "sphere" or geom_spec.type is None:
return Sphere(radius=geom_spec.size)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown geometry type: {geom_spec.type}")
def build_pose_from_mjcf(quat: Optional[np.ndarray], pos: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
# rot_mat = quaternion_to_matrix(to_torch(quat)) if quat is not None else torch.eye(3)
# return to_numpy(rot_tl_to_tf_mat(rot_mat=rot_mat, tl=to_torch(pos)))
rot_mat = transforms3d.quaternions.quat2mat(quat) if quat is not None else np.eye(3)
tf_mat = np.eye(4)
tf_mat[:3, :3] = rot_mat
tf_mat[:3, 3] = pos if pos is not None else 0.0
return tf_mat
def build_link_from_mjcf(link_spec) -> Link:
link = Link(name=link_spec.name)
for geom in link_spec.geom:
origin = build_pose_from_mjcf(geom.quat, geom.pos)
is_collision = is_collision_geometry(geom)
if is_collision is None or is_collision:
collision = Collision(
geometry=build_geometry_from_mjcf(geom, use_collision_geometry=True),
elif is_collision is None or not is_collision:
visual = Visual(origin=origin, geometry=build_geometry_from_mjcf(geom), name=geom.name)
return link
def mjcf_str_to_joint_type(joint_type_str: Optional[str] = "hinge") -> JointType:
# https://mujoco.readthedocs.io/en/stable/XMLreference.html#body-joint
if joint_type_str == "fixed":
return JointType.FIXED
elif joint_type_str == "slide":
return JointType.PRISMATIC
elif joint_type_str == "hinge" or joint_type_str is None:
return JointType.REVOLUTE
raise ValueError(f"Unknown joint type: {joint_type_str}")
def build_joint_from_mjcf(joint_spec, origin: np.ndarray, parent_link_name: str, child_link_name: str) -> Joint:
joint_type = mjcf_str_to_joint_type(joint_spec.type)
if joint_spec.range is not None:
limit = np.asarray(joint_spec.range, dtype=np.float32)
limit = None
if joint_spec.axis is None:
axis = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
axis = np.asarray(joint_spec.axis, dtype=np.float32)
return Joint(
origin=np.asarray(origin, dtype=np.float32),
import warnings
from absl import flags
# ignore annoying warning from dm_control
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*X11: The DISPLAY environment variable is missing.*")
for name in list(flags.FLAGS):
if "pymjcf" in name:
delattr(flags.FLAGS, name)
import dm_control.mjcf
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("dm_control is required to parse MJCF files, please install by `pip install dm_control`")
# The mjcf file by IsaacGym does not follow the convention of mujoco mjcf precisely
# We need to handle it separately when the mjcf file is not valid by normal mjcf parser
with open(self.urdf_or_mjcf_path, "r") as f:
mjcf = dm_control.mjcf.from_file(f, assets=self.mjcf_assets, model_dir=self.mesh_dir)
except KeyError:
file_root = os.path.dirname(self.urdf_or_mjcf_path)
tree = etree.parse(self.urdf_or_mjcf_path) # type: ignore
root = tree.getroot()
invalid_includes = root.findall("*/include")
for include in invalid_includes:
parent = include.getparent()
file: str = include.get("file")
child_xml = etree.parse(os.path.join(file_root, file)).getroot().getchildren() # type: ignore
xml_string = etree.tostring(tree)
mjcf = dm_control.mjcf.from_xml_string(xml_string, model_dir=self.mesh_dir)
# Substitute geom with default values
for geom in mjcf.find_all("geom"):
base_link_spec = mjcf.worldbody.body[0] # type: ignore
base_link_name = str(base_link_spec.name)
link_map: Dict[str, Link] = {}
joint_map: Dict[str, Joint] = {}
link_specs = [(base_link_spec, "")]
while link_specs:
link_spec, parent_link_name = link_specs.pop()
link_map[link_spec.name] = build_link_from_mjcf(link_spec)
if len(link_spec.joint) > 0:
if len(link_spec.joint) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Link {link_spec.name} has multiple joints")
joint_map[link_spec.joint[0].name] = build_joint_from_mjcf(
origin=build_pose_from_mjcf(link_spec.quat, link_spec.pos),
fixed_joint = Joint(
origin=np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32),
axis=np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32),
limit=np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32),
joint_map[fixed_joint.name] = fixed_joint
link_specs.extend([(child_link, link_spec.name) for child_link in link_spec.body])
# add a root joint for base link
joint_map[ROOT_JOINT_NAME] = Joint(
origin=np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32),
axis=np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32),
limit=np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32),
return joint_map, link_map
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = f"ArticulationSpec(filename={os.path.basename(self.urdf_or_mjcf_path)}, num_dofs={self.num_dofs}, num_links={self.num_links})\n"
def _joint_type_str(joint_type: JointType) -> str:
if joint_type == JointType.FIXED:
return "F"
elif joint_type == JointType.PRISMATIC:
return "P"
elif joint_type == JointType.REVOLUTE:
return "R"
elif joint_type == JointType.ROOT:
return "*"
return "?"
def _chain_str(link_name: str, prefix: str = "", is_last: bool = True) -> str:
current_prefix = "└──" if is_last else "├──"
next_prefix = prefix + (" " if is_last else "│ ")
# Get joint info for current link
joint = self.joint_map[self.link_map[link_name].joint_name]
joint_type = _joint_type_str(joint.type)
# Format link name with joint type
chain_str = f"{prefix}{current_prefix} {link_name} ({joint.name}, {joint_type})\n"
# Get and sort child joints
child_joints = [(j_name, j) for j_name, j in self.joint_map.items() if j.parent_link_name == link_name]
for i, (_, joint) in enumerate(child_joints):
is_last_child = i == len(child_joints) - 1
chain_str += _chain_str(joint.child_link_name, next_prefix, is_last_child)
return chain_str
repr_str += _chain_str(self.base_link_name, "")
return repr_str
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.__repr__()
def joint_limits(self) -> Optional[Float[np.ndarray, "num_dofs 2"]]:
return self._joint_limits_np
def mimic_joint_limits(self) -> Optional[Float[np.ndarray, "num_mimic_joints 2"]]:
return self._mimic_joint_limits_np
def mimic_joint_indices(self) -> Int[np.ndarray, "num_mimic_joints"]:
return self._mimic_joint_indices_np
def mimic_multipliers(self) -> Float[np.ndarray, "num_mimic_joints"]:
return self._mimic_multipliers_np
def mimic_offsets(self) -> Float[np.ndarray, "num_mimic_joints"]:
return self._mimic_offsets_np
def link_joint_indices(self) -> Int[np.ndarray, "num_links"]:
if self._link_joint_indices_np is None:
link_joint_indices = []
for link_name in self.link_names:
joint_name = self.link_map[link_name].joint_name
if joint_name not in self.full_joint_names:
self._link_joint_indices_np = np.array(link_joint_indices, dtype=np.int32)
return self._link_joint_indices_np
def link_indices_topological_order(self) -> Int[np.ndarray, "num_links"]:
if self._link_indices_topological_order_np is None:
link_indices = [self.link_names.index(link_name) for link_name in self._link_names_topological_order]
self._link_indices_topological_order_np = np.array(link_indices, dtype=np.int32)
return self._link_indices_topological_order_np
def parent_link_indices(self) -> Int[np.ndarray, "num_links"]:
if self._parent_link_indices_np is None:
parent_link_indices = []
for link_name in self.link_names:
joint = self.joint_map[self.link_map[link_name].joint_name]
if joint.type == JointType.ROOT:
self._parent_link_indices_np = np.array(parent_link_indices, dtype=np.int32)
return self._parent_link_indices_np
def link_joint_axes(self) -> Optional[Float[np.ndarray, "num_links 3"]]:
if self._link_joint_axes_np is None:
link_joint_axes = [
self.joint_map[self.link_map[link_name].joint_name].axis for link_name in self.link_names
self._link_joint_axes_np = np.stack(link_joint_axes, axis=0)
return self._link_joint_axes_np
def full_joint_axes(self) -> Float[np.ndarray, "num_full_joints 3"]:
if self._full_joint_axes_np is None:
full_joint_axes = [self.joint_map[joint_name].axis for joint_name in self.full_joint_names]
self._full_joint_axes_np = np.stack(full_joint_axes, axis=0)
return self._full_joint_axes_np
def link_joint_origins(self) -> Float[np.ndarray, "num_links 4 4"]:
if self._link_joint_origins_np is None:
link_joint_origins = [
self.joint_map[self.link_map[link_name].joint_name].origin for link_name in self.link_names
self._link_joint_origins_np = np.stack(link_joint_origins, axis=0)
return self._link_joint_origins_np
def link_joint_types(self) -> Int[np.ndarray, "num_links"]:
if self._link_joint_types_np is None:
link_joint_types = [
self.joint_map[self.link_map[link_name].joint_name].type.value for link_name in self.link_names
self._link_joint_types_np = np.array(link_joint_types, dtype=np.int32)
return self._link_joint_types_np
def get_ancestor_links_mask(self, link_name_or_idx: Union[str, int]) -> Int[np.ndarray, "num_links"]:
link_name = self.link_names[link_name_or_idx] if isinstance(link_name_or_idx, int) else link_name_or_idx
ancestor_link_names = self._collect_ancestor_links(link_name)
ancestor_link_indices = [self.link_names.index(ln) for ln in ancestor_link_names]
return cast(np.ndarray, np.isin(np.arange(len(self.link_names)), ancestor_link_indices))
def get_link_trimesh_meshes(
self, mode: Literal["visual", "collision"] = "collision", return_empty_meshes: bool = True
) -> Dict[str, trimesh.Trimesh]:
if self._link_trimesh_meshes is None:
self._link_trimesh_meshes = {
link_name: self.link_map[link_name].get_trimesh_mesh(mode=mode) for link_name in self.link_names
if not return_empty_meshes:
return {n: m for n, m in self._link_trimesh_meshes.items() if len(m.vertices) > 0 and len(m.faces) > 0}
return self._link_trimesh_meshes
class Articulation:
"""Class to manage multiple articulations.
specs (Sequence[ArticulationSpec]): Articulation specifications.
device (str, optional): Device to store tensors. Defaults to "cpu".
>>> arti = Articulation(ArticulationSpec(urdf_or_mjcf_path="assets/robot_description/panda.urdf"))
>>> link_poses = arti.forward_kinematics(torch.zeros(1, arti.total_num_dofs), clamp_joint_values=False)
>>> torch.allclose(link_poses[0, -1, :3, 3], torch.tensor([0.0880, 0.0000, 0.8676]), atol=1e-3)
specs: Sequence[ArticulationSpec]
total_num_full_joints: int
def __init__(self, specs: Union[ArticulationSpec, Sequence[ArticulationSpec]], device: Device = "cpu"):
# ------------------------------ handle parameters ------------------------------
if isinstance(specs, ArticulationSpec):
specs = [specs]
self.specs = specs
# ------------------------------ parse specs ------------------------------
self.num_arti = len(specs)
self.total_num_dofs = sum([spec.num_dofs for spec in specs])
self.total_num_links = sum([spec.num_links for spec in specs])
self.total_num_full_joints = sum([spec.num_full_joints for spec in specs])
# ------------------------------ lazy init ------------------------------
# active joints
self._has_none_joint_limits: Optional[bool] = None
self._joint_limits_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._joint_limits_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# mimic joints
self._has_mimic_joints: Optional[bool] = None
self._has_none_mimic_joint_limits: Optional[bool] = None
self._mimic_joint_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._mimic_joint_indices_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._mimic_multipliers_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._mimic_multipliers_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._mimic_offsets_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._mimic_offsets_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._mimic_joint_limits_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._mimic_joint_limits_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# full joints
self._full_joint_reorder_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._full_joint_reorder_indices_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# the following are for pytorch kinematics
self._full_joint_axes_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._full_joint_axes_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# links
self._link_indices_topological_order_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_indices_topological_order_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._link_joint_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_indices_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._parent_link_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._parent_link_indices_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# NOTE We use _link_joint_xxx because some links have joints that are neither active nor mimic joints.
# While _link_joint_indices refers to indices in (active_joints + mimic_joints),
# we need separate arrays for joint properties (type, origin, axis)
self._link_joint_types_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_types_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._link_joint_origins_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_origins_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._link_joint_axes_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_joint_axes_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# first indices
self._joint_first_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._joint_first_indices_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._link_first_indices_np: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._link_first_indices_pt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
def from_urdf_or_mjcf_paths(
urdf_or_mjcf_paths: Union[Union[str, Path], Sequence[Union[str, Path]]],
mesh_dirs: Optional[Union[Union[str, Path], Sequence[Union[str, Path]]]] = None,
device: Device = "cpu",
) -> "Articulation":
if isinstance(urdf_or_mjcf_paths, str) or isinstance(urdf_or_mjcf_paths, Path):
urdf_or_mjcf_paths = [urdf_or_mjcf_paths]
if mesh_dirs is not None:
if isinstance(mesh_dirs, str) or isinstance(mesh_dirs, Path):
mesh_dirs = [mesh_dirs]
if len(urdf_or_mjcf_paths) != len(mesh_dirs):
raise ValueError("The number of URDF/MJCF paths and mesh directories must match.")
specs = []
for idx, urdf_or_mjcf_path in enumerate(urdf_or_mjcf_paths):
if mesh_dirs is not None:
specs.append(ArticulationSpec(urdf_or_mjcf_path, mesh_dir=mesh_dirs[idx]))
return Articulation(specs, device=device)
def from_urdf_or_mjcf_path(
urdf_or_mjcf_path: Union[Union[str, Path], Sequence[Union[str, Path]]],
mesh_dir: Optional[Union[Union[str, Path], Sequence[Union[str, Path]]]] = None,
device: Device = "cpu",
) -> "Articulation":
"""Keep this method for compatibility with old code."""
return Articulation.from_urdf_or_mjcf_paths(urdf_or_mjcf_path, mesh_dir, device=device)
def first_spec(self) -> ArticulationSpec:
return self.specs[0]
def has_none_joint_limits(self) -> bool:
if self._has_none_joint_limits is None:
self._has_none_joint_limits = any([spec.joint_limits is None for spec in self.specs])
return self._has_none_joint_limits
def has_none_mimic_joint_limits(self) -> bool:
if self._has_none_mimic_joint_limits is None:
self._has_none_mimic_joint_limits = any([spec.mimic_joint_limits is None for spec in self.specs])
return self._has_none_mimic_joint_limits
def has_mimic_joints(self) -> bool:
if self._has_mimic_joints is None:
self._has_mimic_joints = any([spec.has_mimic_joints for spec in self.specs])
return self._has_mimic_joints
def joint_limits(self) -> Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "total_num_dofs 2"]]:
return self.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="pt", return_mimic_joints=False) # type: ignore
def num_dofs(self) -> int:
return self.total_num_dofs
def active_joint_names(self) -> Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]:
if len(self.specs) == 1:
return self.first_spec.active_joint_names
return [spec.active_joint_names for spec in self.specs]
def mimic_joint_names(self) -> Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]:
if len(self.specs) == 1:
return self.first_spec.mimic_joint_names
return [spec.mimic_joint_names for spec in self.specs]
def link_names(self) -> Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]:
if len(self.specs) == 1:
return self.first_spec.link_names
return [spec.link_names for spec in self.specs]
def _get_packed_var_from_specs(self, var_name: str, return_tensors: Literal["np"]) -> np.ndarray: ...
def _get_packed_var_from_specs(self, var_name: str, return_tensors: Literal["pt"]) -> torch.Tensor: ...
def _get_packed_var_from_specs(
self, var_name: str, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
if var_name not in VALID_VAR_NAMES:
raise ValueError(f"Variable {var_name} cannot be packed from specs.")
np_attr = f"_{var_name}_np"
pt_attr = f"_{var_name}_pt"
if return_tensors == "np":
if getattr(self, np_attr) is None:
values = [getattr(spec, var_name) for spec in self.specs]
result_np = np.concatenate(values, axis=0)
setattr(self, np_attr, cast(np.ndarray, result_np))
return cast(np.ndarray, getattr(self, np_attr))
elif return_tensors == "pt":
if getattr(self, pt_attr) is None:
np_var = self._get_packed_var_from_specs(var_name, return_tensors="np")
result_pt = torch.from_numpy(np_var).to(self.device, non_blocking=True).contiguous() # type: ignore
setattr(self, pt_attr, result_pt)
return cast(torch.Tensor, getattr(self, pt_attr))
def _get_packed_mimic_joint_indices(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
if return_tensors == "np":
if self._mimic_joint_indices_np is None:
joint_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [spec.num_dofs for spec in self.specs[:-1]])
self._mimic_joint_indices_np = np.concatenate(
[spec.mimic_joint_indices + offset for spec, offset in zip(self.specs, joint_offsets)], axis=0
return self._mimic_joint_indices_np
elif return_tensors == "pt":
if self._mimic_joint_indices_pt is None:
mimic_joint_indices_np = self._get_packed_mimic_joint_indices(return_tensors="np")
self._mimic_joint_indices_pt = torch.from_numpy(mimic_joint_indices_np).to(self.device).contiguous() # type: ignore
return self._mimic_joint_indices_pt
def _get_packed_full_joint_reorder_indices(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
if return_tensors == "np":
if self._full_joint_reorder_indices_np is None:
full_joint_offsets = np.cumsum([0] + [spec.num_full_joints for spec in self.specs[:-1]])
mimic_joint_indices_in_full_joints = np.concatenate(
np.arange(spec.num_dofs, spec.num_full_joints) + offset
for spec, offset in zip(self.specs, full_joint_offsets)
active_joint_indices_in_full_joints = np.concatenate(
[np.arange(spec.num_dofs) + offset for spec, offset in zip(self.specs, full_joint_offsets)]
reorder_indices = np.zeros((self.total_num_full_joints,), dtype=np.int32)
reorder_indices[mimic_joint_indices_in_full_joints] = np.arange(
self.total_num_dofs, self.total_num_full_joints
reorder_indices[active_joint_indices_in_full_joints] = np.arange(self.total_num_dofs)
self._full_joint_reorder_indices_np = reorder_indices
return self._full_joint_reorder_indices_np
elif return_tensors == "pt":
if self._full_joint_reorder_indices_pt is None:
full_joint_reorder_indices_np = self._get_packed_full_joint_reorder_indices(return_tensors="np")
self._full_joint_reorder_indices_pt = (
torch.from_numpy(full_joint_reorder_indices_np).to(self.device).contiguous() # type: ignore
return self._full_joint_reorder_indices_pt
def get_packed_joint_limits(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np", return_mimic_joints: bool = False
) -> Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]]:
if not return_mimic_joints and not self.has_none_joint_limits:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("joint_limits", return_tensors=return_tensors)
elif return_mimic_joints and not self.has_none_mimic_joint_limits:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("mimic_joint_limits", return_tensors=return_tensors)
return None
def get_packed_link_indices_topological_order(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("link_indices_topological_order", return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_packed_parent_link_indices(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("parent_link_indices", return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_packed_link_joint_indices(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("link_joint_indices", return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_packed_link_joint_types(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("link_joint_types", return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_packed_link_joint_origins(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("link_joint_origins", return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_packed_link_joint_axes(self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np") -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("link_joint_axes", return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_packed_full_joint_axes(self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np") -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self._get_packed_var_from_specs("full_joint_axes", return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_joint_first_indices(self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np") -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
if return_tensors == "np":
if self._joint_first_indices_np is None:
joint_first_indices_np = np.cumsum([0] + [spec.num_full_joints for spec in self.specs[:-1]])
self._joint_first_indices_np = joint_first_indices_np.astype(np.int32)
return self._joint_first_indices_np
elif return_tensors == "pt":
if self._joint_first_indices_pt is None:
joint_first_indices_np = self.get_joint_first_indices(return_tensors="np") # type: ignore
self._joint_first_indices_pt = torch.from_numpy(joint_first_indices_np).to(self.device).contiguous() # type: ignore
return self._joint_first_indices_pt
def get_link_first_indices(self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np") -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
if return_tensors == "np":
if self._link_first_indices_np is None:
link_first_indices_np = np.cumsum([0] + [spec.num_links for spec in self.specs[:-1]])
self._link_first_indices_np = link_first_indices_np.astype(np.int32)
return self._link_first_indices_np
elif return_tensors == "pt":
if self._link_first_indices_pt is None:
link_first_indices_np = self.get_link_first_indices(return_tensors="np") # type: ignore
self._link_first_indices_pt = torch.from_numpy(link_first_indices_np).to(self.device).contiguous() # type: ignore
return self._link_first_indices_pt
def get_packed_ancestor_links_mask(
self, target_link_indices: Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"], return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
ancestor_link_masks_np = [
for spec_idx, spec in enumerate(self.specs)
ancestor_link_masks_np = np.concatenate(ancestor_link_masks_np, axis=0).astype(np.int32)
if return_tensors == "np":
return ancestor_link_masks_np # type: ignore
elif return_tensors == "pt":
return torch.from_numpy(ancestor_link_masks_np).to(self.device).contiguous() # type: ignore
def get_packed_zero_joint_values(
self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np"
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
if return_tensors == "np":
return np.zeros((self.total_num_dofs,), dtype=np.float32)
elif return_tensors == "pt":
return torch.zeros((self.total_num_dofs,), device=self.device, dtype=torch.float32) # type: ignore
def get_zero_joint_values(self, return_tensors: Literal["np", "pt"] = "np") -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
return self.get_packed_zero_joint_values(return_tensors=return_tensors)
def get_link_trimesh_meshes(
self, mode: Literal["visual", "collision"] = "collision", return_empty_meshes: bool = False
) -> Union[Dict[str, trimesh.Trimesh], List[Dict[str, trimesh.Trimesh]]]:
if len(self.specs) == 1:
return self.first_spec.get_link_trimesh_meshes(mode=mode, return_empty_meshes=return_empty_meshes)
return [
spec.get_link_trimesh_meshes(mode=mode, return_empty_meshes=return_empty_meshes) for spec in self.specs
def apply_mimic_joints(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"],
clamp_joint_values: bool = True,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_full_joints"]:
if not self.has_mimic_joints:
return joint_values
mimic_joint_indices = self._get_packed_mimic_joint_indices(return_tensors="pt")
mimic_multipliers = self._get_packed_var_from_specs("mimic_multipliers", return_tensors="pt")
mimic_offsets = self._get_packed_var_from_specs("mimic_offsets", return_tensors="pt")
mimic_joint_values = joint_values[..., mimic_joint_indices] * mimic_multipliers + mimic_offsets
if clamp_joint_values and not self.has_none_mimic_joint_limits:
mimic_joint_limits = self.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="pt", return_mimic_joints=True)
mimic_joint_values = torch.clamp(
mimic_joint_limits[..., 0], # type: ignore
mimic_joint_limits[..., 1], # type: ignore
full_joint_values = torch.cat([joint_values, mimic_joint_values], dim=-1)
# NOTE No need to reorder full joint values if there is only one articulation, hope this is correct
if len(self.specs) > 1:
full_joint_reorder_indices = self._get_packed_full_joint_reorder_indices(return_tensors="pt")
full_joint_values = torch.index_select(full_joint_values, -1, full_joint_reorder_indices) # type: ignore
return full_joint_values
def _reindex_joint_values(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"],
joint_names: Optional[Union[List[List[str]], List[str]]] = None,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"]:
if joint_names is not None:
# if a flat list is provided for a single articulation, wrap it in an extra list
if isinstance(joint_names, list) and joint_names and isinstance(joint_names[0], str):
joint_names = cast(List[List[str]], [joint_names])
# convert the offsets to a list of ints
joints_offset = np.cumsum([0] + [spec.num_dofs for spec in self.specs[:-1]]).tolist()
joint_reindex_list: List[int] = []
for spec, j_name_list, offset in zip(self.specs, joint_names, joints_offset):
for j_name in spec.active_joint_names:
# ensure j_name is a string; j_name_list is List[str]
index_in_list = j_name_list.index(j_name)
joint_reindex_list.append(index_in_list + offset)
joint_reindex = torch.tensor(joint_reindex_list, device=joint_values.device, dtype=torch.long)
joint_values = torch.index_select(joint_values, -1, joint_reindex)
return joint_values
def forward_kinematics(
joint_values: Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"]],
joint_names: Optional[Union[List[List[str]], List[str]]] = None,
root_poses: Optional[Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... 4 4"]]] = None,
clamp_joint_values: bool = True,
use_warp: bool = True,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_links 4 4"]:
"""Forward kinematics.
joint_values (torch.Tensor): Packed joint values of shape (..., total_num_dofs).
joint_names (List[List[str]], optional): Joint names for each articulation. Defaults to None.
Could be a single list of joint names if there is only one articulation.
root_poses (torch.Tensor, optional): Root poses of shape (..., num_arti, 4, 4). Defaults to None.
The `num_arti` dimension can be omitted only if a single articulation is being used.
clamp_joint_values (bool, optional): Whether to clamp joint values to joint limits. Defaults to True.
if joint_names is not None:
joint_values = self._reindex_joint_values(joint_values, joint_names)
if clamp_joint_values and not self.has_none_joint_limits:
joint_limits = self.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="pt", return_mimic_joints=False)
joint_values = torch.clamp(joint_values, joint_limits[..., 0], joint_limits[..., 1]) # type: ignore
if self.has_mimic_joints:
joint_values = self.apply_mimic_joints(joint_values, clamp_joint_values=clamp_joint_values)
if root_poses is not None and root_poses.ndim == joint_values.ndim + 1 and self.num_arti == 1:
root_poses = root_poses.unsqueeze(-3) # insert num_arti dimension
if root_poses is not None:
root_poses = root_poses.expand(*joint_values.shape[:-1], self.num_arti, 4, 4)
if use_warp:
link_poses = forward_kinematics_wp(joint_values, articulation=self, root_poses=root_poses)
link_poses = forward_kinematics_pt(joint_values, articulation=self, root_poses=root_poses)
return link_poses
def _get_target_link_indices(
target_links: Optional[Union[str, List[str], int, List[int], Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"]]] = None,
device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"]:
if device is None:
device = self.device
if target_links is None:
target_link_indices = torch.tensor(
[spec.num_links - 1 for spec in self.specs], device=device, dtype=torch.int32
elif isinstance(target_links, torch.Tensor):
target_link_indices = target_links
if isinstance(target_links, str) or isinstance(target_links, int):
target_links = [target_links] # type: ignore
if isinstance(target_links, list) and isinstance(target_links[0], str):
target_link_indices = [spec.link_names.index(n) for spec, n in zip(self.specs, target_links)] # type: ignore
target_link_indices = target_links # type: ignore
target_link_indices = torch.tensor(target_link_indices, device=device, dtype=torch.int32)
return target_link_indices
def jacobian(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"],
joint_names: Optional[Union[List[List[str]], List[str]]] = None,
root_poses: Optional[Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... 4 4"]]] = None,
target_links: Optional[Union[str, List[str], int, List[int], Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"]]] = None,
clamp_joint_values: bool = True,
use_warp: bool = True,
return_target_link_poses: bool = False,
) -> Union[
Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_dofs"],
Tuple[Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_dofs"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]],
if joint_names is not None:
joint_values = self._reindex_joint_values(joint_values, joint_names)
if clamp_joint_values and not self.has_none_joint_limits:
joint_limits = self.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="pt", return_mimic_joints=False)
joint_values = torch.clamp(joint_values, joint_limits[..., 0], joint_limits[..., 1]) # type: ignore
if self.has_mimic_joints:
joint_values = self.apply_mimic_joints(joint_values, clamp_joint_values=clamp_joint_values)
if root_poses is not None and root_poses.ndim == joint_values.ndim + 1 and self.num_arti == 1:
root_poses = root_poses.unsqueeze(-3) # insert num_arti dimension
target_link_indices = self._get_target_link_indices(target_links, device=joint_values.device)
if use_warp:
return calculate_jacobian_wp(
return calculate_jacobian_pt(
def inverse_kinematics(
target_link_poses: Union[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... 4 4"]],
target_links: Optional[Union[str, List[str], int, List[int], torch.Tensor]] = None,
use_warp: bool = False,
max_iterations: int = 30,
learning_rate: float = 0.2,
tolerance: float = 1e-3,
damping: float = 1e-4,
num_retries: int = 50,
init_joint_values: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"]] = None,
jitter_strength: float = 1.0,
return_success: bool = False,
force_insert_articulation_dim: bool = False,
) -> Union[
Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"],
Tuple[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"], Bool[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti"]],
if target_link_poses.ndim == 2: # it's a single target pose
target_link_poses = target_link_poses.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) # add batch and articulation dimensions
elif (self.num_arti == 1 and target_link_poses.shape[-3] != 1) or (force_insert_articulation_dim):
target_link_poses = target_link_poses.unsqueeze(-3) # add articulation dimension
if target_link_poses.shape[-3] != self.num_arti:
raise ValueError(f"target_link_poses must have shape (..., {self.num_arti}, 4, 4) or (..., 4, 4)")
if init_joint_values is not None and init_joint_values.ndim > 1: # check batch dimensions
if target_link_poses.shape[:-3] != init_joint_values.shape[:-1]:
raise ValueError(
f"Batch dimension mismatch between target_link_poses and init_joint_values: {target_link_poses.shape[:-3]} != {init_joint_values.shape[:-1]}",
"Sometimes this happens when you only have a single articulation, and the last batch dimension is 1. In this case, you can specify `force_insert_articulation_dim=True`",
target_link_indices = self._get_target_link_indices(target_links, device=target_link_poses.device)
if use_warp:
best_q, final_success = inverse_kinematics_wp(
best_q, final_success = inverse_kinematics_pt(
if return_success:
return best_q, final_success
return best_q
def apply_mimic_joints_numpy(
self, joint_values: Float[np.ndarray, "... total_num_dofs"], clamp_joint_values: bool = True
) -> Float[np.ndarray, "... total_num_joints"]:
if not self.has_mimic_joints:
return joint_values
mimic_joint_indices = self._get_packed_mimic_joint_indices(return_tensors="np")
mimic_multipliers = self._get_packed_var_from_specs("mimic_multipliers", return_tensors="np")
mimic_offsets = self._get_packed_var_from_specs("mimic_offsets", return_tensors="np")
mimic_joint_values = joint_values[..., mimic_joint_indices] * mimic_multipliers + mimic_offsets
if clamp_joint_values:
mimic_joint_limits = self.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="np", return_mimic_joints=True)
mimic_joint_values = np.clip(
mimic_joint_limits[..., 0], # type: ignore
mimic_joint_limits[..., 1], # type: ignore
full_joint_values = np.concatenate([joint_values, mimic_joint_values], axis=-1)
if len(self.specs) > 1:
full_joint_reorder_indices = self._get_packed_full_joint_reorder_indices(return_tensors="np")
full_joint_values = full_joint_values[..., full_joint_reorder_indices]
return full_joint_values
def forward_kinematics_numpy(
joint_values: Union[Float[np.ndarray, "... total_num_dofs"]],
joint_names: Optional[Union[List[List[str]], List[str]]] = None,
root_poses: Optional[Union[Float[np.ndarray, "... num_arti 4 4"], Float[np.ndarray, "... 4 4"]]] = None,
clamp_joint_values: bool = True,
) -> Float[np.ndarray, "... total_num_links 4 4"]:
"""Forward kinematics.
joint_values (torch.Tensor): Packed joint values of shape (..., total_num_dofs).
joint_names (List[List[str]], optional): Joint names for each articulation. Defaults to None.
Could be a single list of joint names if there is only one articulation.
root_poses (torch.Tensor, optional): Root poses of shape (..., num_arti, 4, 4). Defaults to None.
The `num_arti` dimension can be omitted only if a single articulation is being used.
clamp_joint_values (bool, optional): Whether to clamp joint values to joint limits. Defaults to True.
if joint_names is not None:
if isinstance(joint_names, list) and isinstance(joint_names[0], str):
joint_names = [joint_names] # type: ignore
joints_offset = np.cumsum([0] + [spec.num_dofs for spec in self.specs[:-1]])
joint_reindex = [
j_name_list.index(j_name) + offset
for spec, j_name_list, offset in zip(self.specs, joint_names, joints_offset)
for j_name in spec.active_joint_names
joint_reindex = np.array(joint_reindex, dtype=np.int32) # type: ignore
joint_values = joint_values[..., joint_reindex]
if clamp_joint_values and not self.has_none_joint_limits:
joint_limits = self.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="np", return_mimic_joints=False)
joint_values = np.clip(joint_values, joint_limits[..., 0], joint_limits[..., 1]) # type: ignore
if self.has_mimic_joints:
joint_values = self.apply_mimic_joints_numpy(joint_values, clamp_joint_values=clamp_joint_values)
link_poses = forward_kinematics_wp_np(joint_values, articulation=self, root_poses=root_poses)
return link_poses
def to(self, device: Device) -> "Articulation":
self.device = device
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")
return self
def __len__(self) -> int:
return self.num_arti
def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, slice]) -> "Articulation":
return Articulation(self.specs[idx], device=self.device)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = f"Articulation(num_arti={len(self)}, "
repr_str += (
f"total_num_dofs={self.total_num_dofs}, total_num_links={self.total_num_links}, device={self.device})\n"
for spec in self.specs:
filename = os.path.basename(spec.urdf_or_mjcf_path)
repr_str += f" - {filename} (num_dofs={spec.num_dofs}, num_links={spec.num_links})\n"
if self.num_arti == 1:
repr_str += "\n"
repr_str += self.first_spec.__repr__()
return repr_str.rstrip()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.__repr__()
@deprecated("`RobotModel` is deprecated, use `Articulation` instead")
class RobotModel(Articulation): ...
__all__ = ["ArticulationSpec", "Articulation"]