Source code for fastdev.robo.curobo_utils

1. Fix a tensor contiguous issue in curobo 0.7.4
2. Speed up CudaRobotGenerator with a large number of spheres without collision checking

Maybe consider submitting a PR to curobo to fix the issue.

from typing import Tuple

import torch
from curobo.cuda_robot_model.cuda_robot_generator import CudaRobotGenerator, CudaRobotGeneratorConfig
from curobo.cuda_robot_model.cuda_robot_model import CudaRobotModel, CudaRobotModelConfig
from curobo.curobolib.kinematics import KinematicsFusedFunction
from curobo.util.logger import log_error, log_info, log_warn
from torch import Tensor

[docs] class CustomKinematicsFusedFunction(KinematicsFusedFunction): @staticmethod
[docs] def backward(ctx, grad_out_link_pos, grad_out_link_quat, grad_out_spheres): return KinematicsFusedFunction.backward( ctx, grad_out_link_pos.contiguous(), # NOTE a fix here grad_out_link_quat.contiguous(), # NOTE a fix here grad_out_spheres, )
[docs] def custom_get_cuda_kinematics( link_pos_seq, link_quat_seq, batch_robot_spheres, global_cumul_mat, q_in, fixed_transform, link_spheres_tensor, link_map, # tells which link is attached to which link i joint_map, # tells which joint is attached to a link i joint_map_type, # joint type store_link_map, link_sphere_idx_map, # sphere idx map link_chain_map, joint_offset_map, grad_out_q, use_global_cumul: bool = True, ): # if not q_in.is_contiguous(): # q_in = q_in.contiguous() link_pos, link_quat, robot_spheres = CustomKinematicsFusedFunction.apply( # type: ignore link_pos_seq, link_quat_seq, batch_robot_spheres, global_cumul_mat, q_in, fixed_transform, link_spheres_tensor, link_map, # tells which link is attached to which link i joint_map, # tells which joint is attached to a link i joint_map_type, # joint type store_link_map, link_sphere_idx_map, # sphere idx map link_chain_map, joint_offset_map, grad_out_q, use_global_cumul, ) return link_pos, link_quat, robot_spheres
[docs] class CustomCudaRobotGenerator(CudaRobotGenerator): def _create_self_collision_thread_data( # type: ignore self, collision_threshold: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, int, bool, int]: """Create thread data for self collision checks. Args: collision_threshold: Collision distance between spheres of the robot. Used to skip self collision checks when distance is -inf. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, int, bool, int]: Thread location for self collision checks, number of self collision checks, if thread calculation was successful, and number of checks per thread. """ coll_cpu = collision_threshold.cpu() max_checks_per_thread = 512 thread_loc = torch.zeros((2 * 32 * max_checks_per_thread), dtype=torch.int16) - 1 n_spheres = coll_cpu.shape[0] sl_idx = 0 skip_count = 0 all_val = 0 valid_data = True for i in range(n_spheres): if not valid_data: break if torch.max(coll_cpu[i]) == -torch.inf: log_info("skip" + str(i)) skip_count += n_spheres - i all_val += n_spheres - i continue # NOTE a speed up here for j in range(i + 1, n_spheres): if sl_idx > thread_loc.shape[0] - 1: valid_data = False log_warn( "Self Collision checks are greater than " + str(32 * max_checks_per_thread) + ", using slower kernel" ) break if coll_cpu[i, j] != -torch.inf: thread_loc[sl_idx] = i sl_idx += 1 thread_loc[sl_idx] = j sl_idx += 1 else: skip_count += 1 all_val += 1 log_info("Self Collision threads, skipped %: " + str(100 * float(skip_count) / all_val)) log_info("Self Collision count: " + str(sl_idx / (2))) log_info("Self Collision per thread: " + str(sl_idx / (2 * 1024))) max_checks_per_thread = 512 val = sl_idx / (2 * 1024) if val < 1: max_checks_per_thread = 1 elif val < 2: max_checks_per_thread = 2 elif val < 4: max_checks_per_thread = 4 elif val < 8: max_checks_per_thread = 8 elif val < 32: max_checks_per_thread = 32 elif val < 64: max_checks_per_thread = 64 elif val < 128: max_checks_per_thread = 128 elif val < 512: max_checks_per_thread = 512 else: log_error( "Self Collision not supported as checks are greater than 32 * 512, \ reduce number of spheres used to approximate the robot." ) if max_checks_per_thread < 2: max_checks_per_thread = 2 log_info("Self Collision using: " + str(max_checks_per_thread)) return (, sl_idx, valid_data, max_checks_per_thread, )
[docs] class CustomCudaRobotModelConfig(CudaRobotModelConfig): @staticmethod
[docs] def from_config(config: CudaRobotGeneratorConfig) -> CudaRobotModelConfig: """Create a robot model configuration from a generator configuration. Args: config: Input robot generator configuration. Returns: CudaRobotModelConfig: robot model configuration. """ # create a config generator and load all values generator = CustomCudaRobotGenerator(config) return CudaRobotModelConfig( tensor_args=generator.tensor_args, link_names=generator.link_names, # type: ignore kinematics_config=generator.kinematics_config, self_collision_config=generator.self_collision_config, kinematics_parser=generator.kinematics_parser, use_global_cumul=generator.use_global_cumul, compute_jacobian=generator.compute_jacobian, generator_config=config, )
[docs] class CustomCudaRobotModel(CudaRobotModel): def _cuda_forward(self, q: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: link_pos, link_quat, robot_spheres = custom_get_cuda_kinematics( self._link_pos_seq, self._link_quat_seq, self._batch_robot_spheres, self._global_cumul_mat, q, self.kinematics_config.fixed_transforms, self.kinematics_config.link_spheres, self.kinematics_config.link_map, # tells which link is attached to which link i self.kinematics_config.joint_map, # tells which joint is attached to a link i self.kinematics_config.joint_map_type, # joint type self.kinematics_config.store_link_map, self.kinematics_config.link_sphere_idx_map, # sphere idx map self.kinematics_config.link_chain_map, self.kinematics_config.joint_offset_map, self._grad_out_q, self.use_global_cumul, ) return link_pos, link_quat, robot_spheres