# ruff: noqa: F821
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
from einops import rearrange
from jaxtyping import Float, Int, Bool
from fastdev.xform.rotation import (
from fastdev.xform.transforms import rot_tl_to_tf_mat
from fastdev.robo.articulation import Articulation
def forward_kinematics(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"],
articulation: "Articulation",
root_poses: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]] = None,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_links 4 4"]:
batch_shape = joint_values.shape[:-1]
total_num_links = articulation.total_num_links
device = joint_values.device
requires_grad = joint_values.requires_grad or (root_poses is not None and root_poses.requires_grad)
link_poses = torch.eye(4, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad).repeat(*batch_shape, total_num_links, 1, 1)
if root_poses is None:
root_poses = torch.eye(4, device=device).expand(*batch_shape, articulation.num_arti, 4, 4)
joint_axes = articulation.get_packed_full_joint_axes(return_tensors="pt")
pris_jnt_tf = rot_tl_to_tf_mat(tl=joint_axes * joint_values.unsqueeze(-1)) # type: ignore
rev_jnt_tf = rot_tl_to_tf_mat(rot_mat=axis_angle_to_matrix(joint_axes, joint_values)) # type: ignore
link_topo_indices = articulation.get_packed_link_indices_topological_order(return_tensors="pt")
parent_link_indices = articulation.get_packed_parent_link_indices(return_tensors="pt")
link_joint_types = articulation.get_packed_link_joint_types(return_tensors="pt")
link_joint_indices = articulation.get_packed_link_joint_indices(return_tensors="pt")
link_joint_origins = articulation.get_packed_link_joint_origins(return_tensors="pt")
joint_first_indices = articulation.get_joint_first_indices(return_tensors="pt")
link_first_indices = articulation.get_link_first_indices(return_tensors="pt")
identity_matrix = torch.eye(4, device=device).expand(*batch_shape, 4, 4)
for arti_idx in range(articulation.num_arti):
link_start = link_first_indices[arti_idx].item()
link_end = (
link_first_indices[arti_idx + 1].item()
if arti_idx < len(link_first_indices) - 1
else len(link_topo_indices)
joint_start = joint_first_indices[arti_idx].item()
for local_link_idx in link_topo_indices[link_start:link_end]: # type: ignore
glb_link_idx = local_link_idx + link_start
joint_type = link_joint_types[glb_link_idx]
if joint_type == -1: # Root link
link_poses[..., glb_link_idx, :, :] = root_poses[..., arti_idx, :, :]
glb_parent_idx = parent_link_indices[glb_link_idx] + link_start
parent_pose = link_poses[..., glb_parent_idx, :, :]
if joint_type == 1: # Prismatic
glb_joint_idx = link_joint_indices[glb_link_idx] + joint_start
local_tf = pris_jnt_tf[..., glb_joint_idx, :, :]
elif joint_type == 2: # Revolute
glb_joint_idx = link_joint_indices[glb_link_idx] + joint_start
local_tf = rev_jnt_tf[..., glb_joint_idx, :, :]
else: # Fixed
local_tf = identity_matrix
origin = link_joint_origins[glb_link_idx]
link_poses[..., glb_link_idx, :, :] = (parent_pose @ origin) @ local_tf
return link_poses
def calculate_jacobian(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"],
target_link_indices: Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"],
articulation: "Articulation",
root_poses: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]] = None,
return_target_link_poses: bool = False,
) -> Union[
Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_joints"],
Tuple[Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_joints"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]],
"""Calculate the geometric Jacobian for the end-effector for each joint in the articulated robot.
The Jacobian is computed in the world frame. For revolute joints, the linear velocity component
is computed as the cross product of the joint axis (in world frame) and the vector from the joint
position to the end-effector position, while the angular velocity component is the joint axis.
For prismatic joints, the linear velocity component is the joint axis and the angular component is zero.
batch_shape = joint_values.shape[:-1]
device = joint_values.device
# compute full forward kinematics for all links
link_poses = forward_kinematics(joint_values, articulation, root_poses=root_poses)
total_num_joints = joint_values.shape[-1]
jacobian = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 6, total_num_joints, device=device, dtype=joint_values.dtype)
# extract articulation parameters
joint_axes = articulation.get_packed_full_joint_axes(return_tensors="pt") # (total_num_joints, 3)
link_joint_types = articulation.get_packed_link_joint_types(return_tensors="pt") # (total_num_links,)
link_joint_indices = articulation.get_packed_link_joint_indices(return_tensors="pt") # (total_num_links,)
link_joint_origins = articulation.get_packed_link_joint_origins(return_tensors="pt") # (total_num_links, 4, 4)
parent_link_indices = articulation.get_packed_parent_link_indices(return_tensors="pt") # (total_num_links,)
joint_first_indices = articulation.get_joint_first_indices(return_tensors="pt") # (num_arti,)
link_first_indices = articulation.get_link_first_indices(return_tensors="pt") # (num_arti,)
ancestor_link_masks: torch.Tensor = articulation.get_packed_ancestor_links_mask( # type: ignore
target_link_indices, return_tensors="pt"
) # (total_num_links,)
total_num_links = articulation.total_num_links
num_arti = articulation.num_arti
if return_target_link_poses:
target_link_poses = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, num_arti, 4, 4, device=device, dtype=joint_values.dtype)
for arti_idx in range(num_arti):
# determine the link and joint index ranges for the current articulation
link_start = int(link_first_indices[arti_idx].item())
link_end = int(link_first_indices[arti_idx + 1].item()) if arti_idx < num_arti - 1 else total_num_links
joint_start = int(joint_first_indices[arti_idx].item())
# select the designated end-effector for this articulation and extract its position
eef_idx = target_link_indices[arti_idx] + link_start
eef_pose = link_poses[..., eef_idx, :, :]
if return_target_link_poses:
target_link_poses[..., arti_idx, :, :] = eef_pose
p_eef = eef_pose[..., :3, 3]
# identify ancestor links using the respective mask
link_mask = ancestor_link_masks[link_start:link_end] # (L,)
valid_local_links = torch.nonzero(link_mask, as_tuple=True)[0]
if valid_local_links.numel() == 0:
valid_global_links = valid_local_links + link_start
# filter for joints that are either prismatic (1) or revolute (2)
joint_types = link_joint_types[valid_global_links].to(torch.int64) # (N,)
valid_joint_mask = (joint_types == 1) | (joint_types == 2)
if valid_joint_mask.sum() == 0:
valid_global_links = valid_global_links[valid_joint_mask]
joint_types = joint_types[valid_joint_mask]
joint_ids = (link_joint_indices[valid_global_links] + joint_start).long()
# gather parent's transformation for valid links
parent_indices = parent_link_indices[valid_global_links] + link_start
parent_pose = torch.index_select(link_poses, dim=-3, index=parent_indices)
origin_tf = link_joint_origins[valid_global_links].view(*(1,) * len(batch_shape), -1, 4, 4)
joint_tf = parent_pose @ origin_tf
p_joint = joint_tf[..., :3, 3]
R_joint = joint_tf[..., :3, :3]
# transform local joint axis into the world frame
local_axis = joint_axes[joint_ids].view(*(1,) * len(batch_shape), -1, 3) # type: ignore
axis_world = torch.matmul(R_joint, local_axis.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
diff = p_eef.unsqueeze(-2) - p_joint
is_revolute = joint_types == 2
rev_mask = is_revolute.view(*(1,) * len(batch_shape), -1, 1).to(joint_values.dtype)
# for revolute joints, compute linear velocity using cross product; for prismatic, use direct axis
lin_component = torch.cross(axis_world, diff, dim=-1) * rev_mask + axis_world * (1 - rev_mask)
ang_component = axis_world * rev_mask
update = torch.cat((lin_component, ang_component), dim=-1) # shape: (*batch, N, 6)
jacobian[..., :, joint_ids] = rearrange(update, "... n m -> ... m n")
if return_target_link_poses:
return jacobian, target_link_poses
return jacobian
def delta_pose(T_current: torch.Tensor, pos_target: torch.Tensor, quat_target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Compute the error between current and target poses."""
pos_error = pos_target - T_current[..., :3, 3]
current_quat = matrix_to_quaternion(T_current[..., :3, :3])
quat_err = quaternion_multiply(quat_target, quaternion_invert(current_quat))
rot_error = quaternion_to_axis_angle_vector(quat_err)
return torch.cat([pos_error, rot_error], dim=-1) # shape (..., 6)
def inverse_kinematics(
target_link_poses: Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"],
target_link_indices: Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"],
articulation: "Articulation",
max_iterations: int = 100,
learning_rate: float = 0.1,
tolerance: float = 1e-6,
damping: float = 0.01,
num_retries: int = 50,
init_joint_values: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"]] = None,
jitter_strength: float = 1.0,
) -> Tuple[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"], Bool[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti"]]:
batch_shape = target_link_poses.shape[:-3]
device = target_link_poses.device
num_arti = articulation.num_arti
total_num_dofs = articulation.total_num_dofs
if init_joint_values is None:
init_joint_values = (
articulation.get_packed_zero_joint_values(return_tensors="pt").expand(*batch_shape, -1).clone() # type: ignore
if not articulation.has_none_joint_limits:
lower_limit, upper_limit = articulation.joint_limits[..., 0], articulation.joint_limits[..., 1] # type: ignore
lower_q_init = (lower_limit - init_joint_values) * jitter_strength + init_joint_values
upper_q_init = (upper_limit - init_joint_values) * jitter_strength + init_joint_values
lower_q_init = lower_q_init.unsqueeze(-2) # add a retry dimension
upper_q_init = upper_q_init.unsqueeze(-2)
q_init = lower_q_init + (upper_q_init - lower_q_init) * torch.rand(
*batch_shape, num_retries, total_num_dofs, device=device, dtype=target_link_poses.dtype
# NOTE use a small range of 0.1 when joint limits are not specified
lower_q_init = init_joint_values - 0.1
upper_q_init = init_joint_values + 0.1
lower_q_init = lower_q_init.unsqueeze(-2) # add a retry dimension
upper_q_init = upper_q_init.unsqueeze(-2)
q_init = lower_q_init + (upper_q_init - lower_q_init) * torch.rand(
*batch_shape, num_retries, total_num_dofs, device=device, dtype=target_link_poses.dtype
q = q_init # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, total_num_dofs)
pos_target = target_link_poses[..., :3, 3].unsqueeze(-3) # rely on broadcasting
quat_target = matrix_to_quaternion(target_link_poses[..., :3, :3]).unsqueeze(-3)
joint_first_indices_tensor = articulation.get_joint_first_indices(return_tensors="pt")
joint_limits = articulation.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="pt")
jfi = joint_first_indices_tensor.tolist()
joint_slices = [slice(jfi[i], jfi[i + 1]) for i in range(num_arti - 1)] + [slice(jfi[-1], total_num_dofs)]
for _ in range(max_iterations):
J, current_poses = calculate_jacobian(q, target_link_indices, articulation, return_target_link_poses=True)
err = delta_pose(current_poses, pos_target, quat_target) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A, 6)
err_norm = err.norm(dim=-1) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A)
success = (err_norm < tolerance).any(dim=-2) # shape: (*batch_shape, A)
if success.all():
dq_list = [] # collect updates for each joint block
for i, js in enumerate(joint_slices):
err_i = err[..., i, :] # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, 6)
J_i = J[..., js] # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, 6, dofs_i)
reg = damping * torch.eye(6, device=device, dtype=q.dtype).expand(*J_i.shape[:-2], 6, 6) # regularize
err_i_unsq = err_i.unsqueeze(-1)
JJt_i = J_i @ J_i.transpose(-1, -2) + reg
A_i = torch.linalg.solve(JJt_i, err_i_unsq)
dq_i = (J_i.transpose(-1, -2) @ A_i).squeeze(-1)
dq_total = torch.cat(dq_list, dim=-1)
q = q + learning_rate * dq_total
if joint_limits is not None:
q = torch.clamp(q, min=joint_limits[..., 0], max=joint_limits[..., 1]) # type: ignore
# select the best retry per articulation based on squared error norm
_, current_poses = calculate_jacobian(q, target_link_indices, articulation, return_target_link_poses=True)
final_err = delta_pose(current_poses, pos_target, quat_target) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A, 6)
final_err_norm = final_err.norm(dim=-1) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A)
final_success = (final_err_norm < tolerance).any(dim=-2) # shape: (*batch_shape, A)
best_idx = final_err_norm.argmin(dim=-2) # shape: (*batch_shape, A)
best_q_list = []
for i, js in enumerate(joint_slices):
sel = best_idx[..., i].unsqueeze(-1) # shape: (*batch_shape, 1)
q_seg = q[..., js] # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, dof_range)
indices = sel.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*sel.shape, q_seg.shape[-1])
best_q_list.append(torch.gather(q_seg, dim=-2, index=indices).squeeze(-2))
best_q = torch.cat(best_q_list, dim=-1)
return best_q, final_success