# mypy: disable-error-code="valid-type"
# ruff: noqa: F821
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
import warp as wp
from jaxtyping import Float, Int, Bool
from warp.fem.linalg import inverse_qr, solve_triangular
from fastdev.xform import matrix_to_quaternion
from fastdev.robo.articulation import Articulation
def axis_angle_to_tf_mat(axis: wp.vec3, angle: wp.float32):
x, y, z = axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]
s, c = wp.sin(angle), wp.cos(angle)
C = 1.0 - c
xs, ys, zs = x * s, y * s, z * s
xC, yC, zC = x * C, y * C, z * C
xyC, yzC, zxC = x * yC, y * zC, z * xC
# fmt: off
return wp.mat44(
x * xC + c, xyC - zs, zxC + ys, 0.0,
xyC + zs, y * yC + c, yzC - xs, 0.0,
zxC - ys, yzC + xs, z * zC + c, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
# fmt: on
def axis_distance_to_tf_mat(axis: wp.vec3, distance: wp.float32):
x, y, z = axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]
# fmt: off
return wp.mat44(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, distance * x,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, distance * y,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, distance * z,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
# fmt: on
def forward_kinematics_kernel(
joint_values: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.float32), # [b, num_dofs]
root_poses: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.mat44), # [b, num_arti, 4, 4], optional
joint_first_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32),
link_indices_topological_order: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32),
parent_link_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32),
link_joint_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32),
link_joint_types: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32),
link_joint_origins: wp.array(dtype=wp.mat44),
link_joint_axes: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3),
link_first_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32),
link_poses: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.mat44), # output, [b, num_links]
b_idx, arti_idx = wp.tid()
joint_first_idx = joint_first_indices[arti_idx]
link_first_idx = link_first_indices[arti_idx]
if arti_idx == wp.int32(link_first_indices.shape[0] - 1):
link_last_idx = wp.int32(link_indices_topological_order.shape[0])
link_last_idx = link_first_indices[arti_idx + 1]
if root_poses.shape[0] > 0:
root_pose = root_poses[b_idx, arti_idx]
root_pose = wp.identity(n=4, dtype=wp.float32) # type: ignore
for glb_topo_idx in range(link_first_idx, link_last_idx):
glb_link_idx = link_indices_topological_order[glb_topo_idx] + link_first_idx
joint_type = link_joint_types[glb_link_idx]
if joint_type == -1: # Root link
glb_joint_pose = root_pose
else: # Non-root links
glb_parent_link_idx = parent_link_indices[glb_link_idx] + link_first_idx
parent_link_pose = link_poses[b_idx, glb_parent_link_idx]
glb_joint_idx = link_joint_indices[glb_link_idx] + joint_first_idx
if joint_type == 0:
local_joint_tf = wp.identity(n=4, dtype=wp.float32) # type: ignore
elif joint_type == 1: # prismatic
joint_value = joint_values[b_idx, glb_joint_idx]
joint_axis = link_joint_axes[glb_link_idx]
local_joint_tf = axis_distance_to_tf_mat(joint_axis, joint_value)
elif joint_type == 2: # revolute
joint_value = joint_values[b_idx, glb_joint_idx]
joint_axis = link_joint_axes[glb_link_idx]
local_joint_tf = axis_angle_to_tf_mat(joint_axis, joint_value)
joint_origin = link_joint_origins[glb_link_idx]
glb_joint_pose = (parent_link_pose @ joint_origin) @ local_joint_tf # type: ignore
link_poses[b_idx, glb_link_idx] = glb_joint_pose
"joint_first_indices": (wp.int32, "get_joint_first_indices"),
"link_indices_topological_order": (wp.int32, "get_packed_link_indices_topological_order"),
"parent_link_indices": (wp.int32, "get_packed_parent_link_indices"),
"link_joint_indices": (wp.int32, "get_packed_link_joint_indices"),
"link_joint_types": (wp.int32, "get_packed_link_joint_types"),
"link_joint_origins": (wp.mat44, "get_packed_link_joint_origins"),
"link_joint_axes": (wp.vec3, "get_packed_link_joint_axes"),
"link_first_indices": (wp.int32, "get_link_first_indices"),
class ForwardKinematics(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"],
articulation: "Articulation",
root_poses: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]] = None,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_links 4 4"]:
batch_shape = joint_values.shape[:-1]
total_num_joints = joint_values.shape[-1]
total_num_links = articulation.total_num_links
num_arti = articulation.num_arti
requires_grad = joint_values.requires_grad or (root_poses is not None and root_poses.requires_grad)
joint_values_wp = wp.from_torch(
joint_values.contiguous().view(-1, total_num_joints),
root_poses_wp = (
root_poses.contiguous().view(-1, num_arti, 4, 4),
if root_poses is not None
else wp.zeros(shape=(0, 0), dtype=wp.mat44, requires_grad=False, device=joint_values_wp.device)
link_poses_wp = wp.from_torch(
(joint_values_wp.shape[0], total_num_links, 4, 4),
wp_params = {
name: wp.from_torch(getattr(articulation, fn)(return_tensors="pt"), dtype=dtype)
for name, (dtype, fn) in _KERNEL_PARAMS_TYPES_AND_GETTERS.items()
dim=(joint_values_wp.shape[0], num_arti),
inputs=[joint_values_wp, root_poses_wp, *wp_params.values()],
if joint_values_wp.requires_grad or root_poses_wp.requires_grad:
ctx.shapes = (batch_shape, total_num_joints, total_num_links, num_arti)
ctx.joint_values_wp = joint_values_wp
ctx.root_poses_wp = root_poses_wp
ctx.link_poses_wp = link_poses_wp
ctx.wp_params = wp_params
return wp.to_torch(link_poses_wp).view(*batch_shape, total_num_links, 4, 4)
def backward( # type: ignore
ctx, link_poses_grad: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_links 4 4"]
) -> Tuple[
Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"]],
Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]],
if not ctx.joint_values_wp.requires_grad and (not ctx.root_poses_wp.requires_grad):
return None, None, None
batch_shape, total_num_joints, total_num_links, num_arti = ctx.shapes
ctx.link_poses_wp.grad = wp.from_torch(
link_poses_grad.contiguous().view(-1, total_num_links, 4, 4), dtype=wp.mat44
dim=(ctx.joint_values_wp.shape[0], num_arti),
inputs=[ctx.joint_values_wp, ctx.root_poses_wp, *ctx.wp_params.values()],
adj_inputs=[ctx.joint_values_wp.grad, ctx.root_poses_wp.grad, *([None] * len(ctx.wp_params))],
joint_values_grad = (
wp.to_torch(ctx.joint_values_wp.grad).view(*batch_shape, total_num_joints)
if ctx.joint_values_wp.requires_grad
else None
root_poses_grad = (
wp.to_torch(ctx.root_poses_wp.grad).view(*batch_shape, num_arti, 4, 4)
if ctx.root_poses_wp.requires_grad
else None
return joint_values_grad, None, root_poses_grad
def forward_kinematics(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"],
articulation: "Articulation",
root_poses: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]] = None,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_links 4 4"]:
return ForwardKinematics.apply(joint_values, articulation, root_poses)
def forward_kinematics_numpy(
joint_values: Float[np.ndarray, "... total_num_joints"], # noqa: F821
articulation: "Articulation",
root_poses: Optional[Float[np.ndarray, "... num_arti 4 4"]] = None,
) -> Float[np.ndarray, "... total_num_links 4 4"]:
total_num_joints = joint_values.shape[-1]
total_num_links = articulation.total_num_links
num_arti = articulation.num_arti
joint_values_wp = wp.from_numpy(joint_values.reshape(-1, total_num_joints), dtype=wp.float32) # [B, num_dofs]
link_poses_wp = wp.from_numpy(
(joint_values_wp.shape[0], total_num_links, 4, 4),
root_poses_wp = (
wp.from_numpy(root_poses.reshape(-1, num_arti, 4, 4), dtype=wp.mat44)
if root_poses is not None
else wp.zeros(shape=(0, 0), dtype=wp.mat44, requires_grad=False, device=joint_values_wp.device)
wp_params = {
name: wp.from_numpy(getattr(articulation, fn)("np"), dtype=dtype)
for name, (dtype, fn) in _KERNEL_PARAMS_TYPES_AND_GETTERS.items()
dim=(joint_values_wp.shape[0], num_arti),
inputs=[joint_values_wp, root_poses_wp, *wp_params.values()],
return link_poses_wp.numpy().reshape(joint_values.shape[:-1] + (total_num_links, 4, 4))
def calculate_jacobian_kernel(
link_poses: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.mat44), # [b, total_num_links]
target_link_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # [num_arti]
ancestor_mask: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # [total_num_links]
joint_axes: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), # [total_num_joints]
link_joint_types: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # [total_num_links]
link_joint_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # [total_num_links]
link_joint_origins: wp.array(dtype=wp.mat44), # [total_num_links]
parent_link_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # [total_num_links]
joint_first_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # [num_arti]
link_first_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # [num_arti]
jacobian: wp.array3d(dtype=wp.float32), # [b, 6, total_num_joints]
"""Compute the Jacobian using precomputed target link poses."""
total_num_links = link_joint_types.shape[0]
b_idx, global_link_idx = wp.tid()
arti_idx = -1
num_arti = link_first_indices.shape[0]
for i in range(num_arti):
start = link_first_indices[i]
if i < num_arti - 1:
end = link_first_indices[i + 1]
end = total_num_links
if global_link_idx >= start and global_link_idx < end:
arti_idx = i
if arti_idx == -1:
if ancestor_mask[global_link_idx] == 0:
# use the precomputed target link pose instead of computing indices
target_global_link_idx = target_link_indices[arti_idx] + link_first_indices[arti_idx]
eef_pose = link_poses[b_idx, target_global_link_idx]
p_eef = wp.vec3(eef_pose[0, 3], eef_pose[1, 3], eef_pose[2, 3])
jt = link_joint_types[global_link_idx]
if jt == -1 or (jt != 1 and jt != 2):
glb_joint_idx = link_joint_indices[global_link_idx] + joint_first_indices[arti_idx]
if global_link_idx == link_first_indices[arti_idx]:
joint_pose = link_poses[b_idx, global_link_idx] @ link_joint_origins[global_link_idx]
parent_idx = parent_link_indices[global_link_idx] + link_first_indices[arti_idx]
joint_pose = link_poses[b_idx, parent_idx] @ link_joint_origins[global_link_idx]
p_joint = wp.vec3(joint_pose[0, 3], joint_pose[1, 3], joint_pose[2, 3])
r0 = wp.vec3(joint_pose[0, 0], joint_pose[0, 1], joint_pose[0, 2])
r1 = wp.vec3(joint_pose[1, 0], joint_pose[1, 1], joint_pose[1, 2])
r2 = wp.vec3(joint_pose[2, 0], joint_pose[2, 1], joint_pose[2, 2])
axis_local = joint_axes[glb_joint_idx]
axis_world = wp.vec3(
r0[0] * axis_local[0] + r0[1] * axis_local[1] + r0[2] * axis_local[2],
r1[0] * axis_local[0] + r1[1] * axis_local[1] + r1[2] * axis_local[2],
r2[0] * axis_local[0] + r2[1] * axis_local[1] + r2[2] * axis_local[2],
if jt == 2: # revolute
v = wp.vec3(p_eef[0] - p_joint[0], p_eef[1] - p_joint[1], p_eef[2] - p_joint[2])
linear_jac = wp.vec3(
axis_world[1] * v[2] - axis_world[2] * v[1],
axis_world[2] * v[0] - axis_world[0] * v[2],
axis_world[0] * v[1] - axis_world[1] * v[0],
angular_jac = axis_world
elif jt == 1: # prismatic
linear_jac = axis_world
angular_jac = wp.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
jacobian[b_idx, 0, glb_joint_idx] = linear_jac[0]
jacobian[b_idx, 1, glb_joint_idx] = linear_jac[1]
jacobian[b_idx, 2, glb_joint_idx] = linear_jac[2]
jacobian[b_idx, 3, glb_joint_idx] = angular_jac[0]
jacobian[b_idx, 4, glb_joint_idx] = angular_jac[1]
jacobian[b_idx, 5, glb_joint_idx] = angular_jac[2]
class CalculateJacobian(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"],
target_link_indices: torch.Tensor,
articulation: "Articulation",
root_poses: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]] = None,
) -> Tuple[Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_joints"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]]:
"""Forward pass to compute Jacobian and target link poses."""
batch_shape = joint_values.shape[:-1]
total_num_joints = joint_values.shape[-1]
total_num_links = articulation.total_num_links
num_arti = articulation.num_arti
requires_grad = joint_values.requires_grad or (root_poses is not None and root_poses.requires_grad)
joint_values_wp = wp.from_torch(
joint_values.contiguous().view(-1, total_num_joints),
root_poses_wp = (
root_poses.contiguous().view(-1, num_arti, 4, 4),
if root_poses is not None
else wp.zeros(shape=(0, 0), dtype=wp.mat44, requires_grad=False, device=joint_values_wp.device)
link_poses_wp = wp.from_torch(
(joint_values_wp.shape[0], total_num_links, 4, 4),
target_link_indices_wp = wp.from_torch(target_link_indices, dtype=wp.int32, requires_grad=False)
wp_params = {
name: wp.from_torch(getattr(articulation, fn)(return_tensors="pt"), dtype=dtype)
for name, (dtype, fn) in _KERNEL_PARAMS_TYPES_AND_GETTERS.items()
# launch forward kinematics kernel
dim=(joint_values_wp.shape[0], num_arti),
inputs=[joint_values_wp, root_poses_wp, *wp_params.values()],
# compute target link poses from link poses
joint_axes_wp = wp.from_torch(articulation.get_packed_full_joint_axes(return_tensors="pt"), dtype=wp.vec3)
ancestor_mask_pt = articulation.get_packed_ancestor_links_mask(target_link_indices, return_tensors="pt")
ancestor_mask_wp = wp.from_torch(ancestor_mask_pt, dtype=wp.int32)
jacobian_torch = torch.zeros(
(joint_values_wp.shape[0], 6, total_num_joints),
jacobian_wp = wp.from_torch(jacobian_torch, dtype=wp.float32, requires_grad=False)
# launch Jacobian kernel with target link poses as input
dim=(joint_values_wp.shape[0], total_num_links),
if requires_grad:
ctx.batch_shape = batch_shape
ctx.total_num_joints = total_num_joints
ctx.total_num_links = total_num_links # stored for backward launch
ctx.num_arti = num_arti
ctx.joint_values_wp = joint_values_wp
ctx.root_poses_wp = root_poses_wp
ctx.link_poses_wp = link_poses_wp
ctx.wp_params = wp_params
ctx.jacobian_wp = jacobian_wp
ctx.joint_axes_wp = joint_axes_wp
ctx.ancestor_mask_wp = ancestor_mask_wp
link_poses_pt = wp.to_torch(link_poses_wp).view(-1, total_num_links, 4, 4)
link_first_indices_pt = wp.to_torch(wp_params["link_first_indices"]).view(-1) # [num_arti]
target_glb_indices = target_link_indices.to(link_poses_pt.device) + link_first_indices_pt
target_link_poses = link_poses_pt[:, target_glb_indices.long(), :, :]
return (
wp.to_torch(jacobian_wp).view(*batch_shape, 6, total_num_joints),
target_link_poses.view(*batch_shape, -1, 4, 4),
def backward( # type: ignore
jacobian_grad: Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_joints"],
target_link_poses_grad: Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"],
) -> Tuple[
Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"]],
Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]],
"""Backward pass for propagating Jacobian gradients."""
raise NotImplementedError("Backward pass for Jacobian calculation is not verified yet.")
def calculate_jacobian(
joint_values: Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"],
target_link_indices: torch.Tensor,
articulation: "Articulation",
root_poses: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]] = None,
return_target_link_poses: bool = False,
) -> Union[
Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_joints"],
Tuple[Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_joints"], Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"]],
jacobian, target_link_poses = CalculateJacobian.apply(joint_values, target_link_indices, articulation, root_poses)
if return_target_link_poses:
return jacobian, target_link_poses
return jacobian
def delta_pose_kernel(
T_current: wp.array(dtype=wp.mat44),
pos_target: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3),
quat_target: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec4),
delta: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.float32),
) -> None:
"""Compute delta pose error between current and target poses in axis-angle form."""
tid = wp.tid()
# extract current translation error
T = T_current[tid]
p_current = wp.vec3(T[0, 3], T[1, 3], T[2, 3])
pt = pos_target[tid]
pos_err = wp.vec3(pt[0] - p_current[0], pt[1] - p_current[1], pt[2] - p_current[2])
# extract rotation matrix elements
r00 = T[0, 0]
r01 = T[0, 1]
r02 = T[0, 2]
r10 = T[1, 0]
r11 = T[1, 1]
r12 = T[1, 2]
r20 = T[2, 0]
r21 = T[2, 1]
r22 = T[2, 2]
# convert rotation matrix to quaternion (w, x, y, z)
trace = r00 + r11 + r22
if trace > 0.0:
s = wp.sqrt(trace + 1.0) * 2.0
qw = 0.25 * s
qx = (r21 - r12) / s
qy = (r02 - r20) / s
qz = (r10 - r01) / s
if r00 > r11 and r00 > r22:
s = wp.sqrt(1.0 + r00 - r11 - r22) * 2.0
qw = (r21 - r12) / s
qx = 0.25 * s
qy = (r01 + r10) / s
qz = (r02 + r20) / s
elif r11 > r22:
s = wp.sqrt(1.0 + r11 - r00 - r22) * 2.0
qw = (r02 - r20) / s
qx = (r01 + r10) / s
qy = 0.25 * s
qz = (r12 + r21) / s
s = wp.sqrt(1.0 + r22 - r00 - r11) * 2.0
qw = (r10 - r01) / s
qx = (r02 + r20) / s
qy = (r12 + r21) / s
qz = 0.25 * s
# get target quaternion components (w, x, y, z)
target_q = quat_target[tid]
qtw = target_q[0]
qtx = target_q[1]
qty = target_q[2]
qtz = target_q[3]
# compute quaternion error: quat_err = quat_target * quaternion_invert(current)
q_err_w = qtw * qw + qtx * qx + qty * qy + qtz * qz
q_err_x = -qtw * qx + qtx * qw - qty * qz + qtz * qy
q_err_y = -qtw * qy + qtx * qz + qty * qw - qtz * qx
q_err_z = -qtw * qz - qtx * qy + qty * qx + qtz * qw
# ensure the error quaternion is in the same hemisphere (w>=0)
if q_err_w < 0.0:
q_err_w = -q_err_w
q_err_x = -q_err_x
q_err_y = -q_err_y
q_err_z = -q_err_z
# clamp to avoid numerical issues (acos domain)
if q_err_w > 1.0:
q_err_w = 1.0
if q_err_w < -1.0:
q_err_w = -1.0
# convert the quaternion error to axis-angle representation
angle = 2.0 * wp.acos(q_err_w)
sin_half_angle = wp.sqrt(1.0 - q_err_w * q_err_w)
eps = 1e-6
if sin_half_angle < eps:
rot_error_x = 0.0
rot_error_y = 0.0
rot_error_z = 0.0
rot_error_x = q_err_x / sin_half_angle * angle
rot_error_y = q_err_y / sin_half_angle * angle
rot_error_z = q_err_z / sin_half_angle * angle
# write concatenated translation and rotation error to the output
delta[tid, 0] = pos_err[0]
delta[tid, 1] = pos_err[1]
delta[tid, 2] = pos_err[2]
delta[tid, 3] = rot_error_x
delta[tid, 4] = rot_error_y
delta[tid, 5] = rot_error_z
def delta_pose_warp(
T_current: Float[torch.Tensor, "... 4 4"],
pos_target: Float[torch.Tensor, "... 3"],
quat_target: Float[torch.Tensor, "... 4"],
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6"]:
batch_shape = T_current.shape[:-2]
T_current_wp = wp.from_torch(T_current.contiguous().view(-1, 4, 4), dtype=wp.mat44, requires_grad=False)
pos_target_wp = wp.from_torch(pos_target.contiguous().view(-1, 3), dtype=wp.vec3, requires_grad=False)
quat_target_wp = wp.from_torch(quat_target.contiguous().view(-1, 4), dtype=wp.vec4, requires_grad=False)
delta_wp = wp.zeros(shape=(T_current_wp.shape[0], 6), dtype=wp.float32, device=T_current_wp.device)
inputs=[T_current_wp, pos_target_wp, quat_target_wp],
return wp.to_torch(delta_wp).view(*batch_shape, 6)
def solve_lower_triangular(L: Any, b: Any) -> Any:
"""Solves for y in L y = b where L is lower triangular with unit diagonal.
y: the solution vector.
y = type(b)() # initialized vector (assumed zero)
for i in range(type(b).length):
sum_val = b.dtype(0)
for j in range(i):
# accumulate lower-triangular contributions
sum_val = sum_val + L[i, j] * y[j]
y[i] = b[i] - sum_val
return y
def inverse_lu(A: Any) -> Any:
"""Computes the inverse of a square matrix using LU decomposition without pivoting.
A_inv: the inverse of A.
# initialize L as identity and U as a copy of A
L = wp.identity(n=type(A[0]).length, dtype=A.dtype)
U = type(A)()
for i in range(type(A[0]).length):
for j in range(type(A[0]).length):
U[i, j] = A[i, j]
# perform LU decomposition (Doolittle algorithm)
for i in range(type(A[0]).length):
for j in range(i + 1, type(A[0]).length):
pivot = U[i, i]
factor = U[j, i] / pivot
L[j, i] = factor
for k in range(i, type(A[0]).length):
U[j, k] = U[j, k] - factor * U[i, k]
# compute inverse column-by-column by solving A x = e for each basis vector e
A_inv = type(A)()
for i in range(type(A[0]).length):
# create standard basis vector e with 1 at index i and 0 elsewhere
e = type(A[0])()
for j in range(type(A[0]).length):
e[j] = A.dtype(0)
e[i] = A.dtype(1)
# forward substitution: solve L y = e
y = solve_lower_triangular(L, e)
x = solve_triangular(U, y)
A_inv[i] = x
return wp.transpose(A_inv)
def compute_dq_kernel_v2(
J: wp.array3d(dtype=wp.float32), # shape: [b, 6, total_num_joints]
err: wp.array3d(dtype=wp.float32), # shape: [b, num_arti, 6]
A: wp.array3d(dtype=wp.float32), # shape: [b, num_arti, 6]
joint_first_indices: wp.array(dtype=wp.int32), # shape: [num_arti]
damping: wp.float32, # damping factor for regularization
dq: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.float32), # shape: [b, total_num_joints] (output)
) -> None:
"""Compute joint velocity dq using a damped least-squares formulation."""
b_idx, arti_idx = wp.tid()
# determine number of articulations and total joints from input arrays
num_arti = joint_first_indices.shape[0]
total_num_joints = int(J.shape[2])
# determine joint index range for the current articulation
start_idx = joint_first_indices[arti_idx]
if arti_idx == num_arti - 1:
end_idx = total_num_joints
end_idx = joint_first_indices[arti_idx + 1]
# compute the 6x6 JJt matrix for the current articulation
M = wp.identity(n=6, dtype=wp.float32) # local 6x6 matrix
for i in range(6):
for j in range(6):
sum_val = float(0.0)
for k in range(start_idx, end_idx):
# accumulate product contributions over joint indices
sum_val = sum_val + J[b_idx, i, k] * J[b_idx, j, k]
if i == j:
# add damping regularization on the diagonal
sum_val = sum_val + damping
M[i, j] = sum_val
# compute inverse of the JJt matrix via QR factorization
inv_M = inverse_qr(M)
# inv_M = inverse_lu(M)
# compute vector A = inv_M * err locally for the articulation block
for i in range(6):
acc = float(0.0)
for j in range(6):
acc = acc + inv_M[i, j] * err[b_idx, arti_idx, j]
A[b_idx, arti_idx, i] = acc
# compute dq for each joint in the current articulation block
for k in range(start_idx, end_idx):
acc = float(0.0)
for i in range(6):
acc = acc + J[b_idx, i, k] * A[b_idx, arti_idx, i]
dq[b_idx, k] = acc
def compute_dq_warp(
J: Float[torch.Tensor, "... 6 total_num_joints"],
err: Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 6"],
joint_first_indices_pt: Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"],
damping: float,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_joints"]:
batch_shape = J.shape[:-2]
total_num_joints = J.shape[-1]
num_arti = len(joint_first_indices_pt)
J_wp = wp.from_torch(J.contiguous().view(-1, 6, total_num_joints), dtype=wp.float32, requires_grad=False)
err_wp = wp.from_torch(err.contiguous().view(-1, num_arti, 6), dtype=wp.float32, requires_grad=False) # [b, A, 6]
A_wp = wp.zeros(shape=(err_wp.shape[0], num_arti, 6), dtype=wp.float32, device=err_wp.device) # [b, A, 6]
dq_wp = wp.zeros(shape=(J_wp.shape[0], total_num_joints), dtype=wp.float32, device=J_wp.device)
dim=(J_wp.shape[0], num_arti),
inputs=[J_wp, err_wp, A_wp, wp.from_torch(joint_first_indices_pt, dtype=wp.int32), damping, dq_wp],
dq = wp.to_torch(dq_wp).view(*batch_shape, total_num_joints)
return dq
def inverse_kinematics(
target_link_poses: Float[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti 4 4"],
target_link_indices: Int[torch.Tensor, "num_arti"],
articulation: "Articulation",
max_iterations: int = 100,
learning_rate: float = 0.1,
tolerance: float = 1e-6,
damping: float = 0.01,
num_retries: int = 10,
init_joint_values: Optional[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"]] = None,
jitter_strength: float = 1.0,
) -> Tuple[Float[torch.Tensor, "... total_num_dofs"], Bool[torch.Tensor, "... num_arti"]]:
batch_shape = target_link_poses.shape[:-3]
device = target_link_poses.device
num_arti = articulation.num_arti
total_num_dofs = articulation.total_num_dofs
if init_joint_values is None:
init_joint_values = (
articulation.get_packed_zero_joint_values(return_tensors="pt").expand(*batch_shape, -1).clone() # type: ignore
if not articulation.has_none_joint_limits:
lower_limit, upper_limit = articulation.joint_limits[..., 0], articulation.joint_limits[..., 1] # type: ignore
lower_q_init = (lower_limit - init_joint_values) * jitter_strength + init_joint_values
upper_q_init = (upper_limit - init_joint_values) * jitter_strength + init_joint_values
lower_q_init = lower_q_init.unsqueeze(-2) # add a retry dimension
upper_q_init = upper_q_init.unsqueeze(-2)
q_init = lower_q_init + (upper_q_init - lower_q_init) * torch.rand(
*batch_shape, num_retries, total_num_dofs, device=device, dtype=target_link_poses.dtype
# NOTE use a small range of 0.1 when joint limits are not specified
lower_q_init = init_joint_values - 0.1
upper_q_init = init_joint_values + 0.1
lower_q_init = lower_q_init.unsqueeze(-2) # add a retry dimension
upper_q_init = upper_q_init.unsqueeze(-2)
q_init = lower_q_init + (upper_q_init - lower_q_init) * torch.rand(
*batch_shape, num_retries, total_num_dofs, device=device, dtype=target_link_poses.dtype
q = q_init # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, total_num_dofs)
target_link_poses_particles = target_link_poses.unsqueeze(-4).expand(*batch_shape, num_retries, num_arti, 4, 4)
pos_target = target_link_poses_particles[..., :3, 3] # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, num_arti, 3)
# shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, num_arti, 4)
quat_target = matrix_to_quaternion(target_link_poses_particles[..., :3, :3])
joint_first_indices_pt = articulation.get_joint_first_indices(return_tensors="pt")
joint_limits = articulation.get_packed_joint_limits(return_tensors="pt")
jfi = joint_first_indices_pt.tolist()
joint_slices = [slice(jfi[i], jfi[i + 1]) for i in range(num_arti - 1)] + [slice(jfi[-1], total_num_dofs)]
for _ in range(max_iterations):
J, current_poses = calculate_jacobian(q, target_link_indices, articulation, return_target_link_poses=True)
err = delta_pose_warp(current_poses, pos_target, quat_target) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A, 6)
err_norm = err.norm(dim=-1) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A)
if (err_norm < tolerance).any(dim=-2).all():
dq = compute_dq_warp(J, err, joint_first_indices_pt, damping) # type: ignore
q = q + learning_rate * dq
if joint_limits is not None:
q = torch.clamp(q, min=joint_limits[..., 0], max=joint_limits[..., 1]) # type: ignore
# select the best retry per articulation based on squared error norm
_, current_poses = calculate_jacobian(q, target_link_indices, articulation, return_target_link_poses=True)
final_err = delta_pose_warp(current_poses, pos_target, quat_target) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A, 6)
final_err_norm = final_err.norm(dim=-1) # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, A)
best_idx = final_err_norm.argmin(dim=-2) # shape: (*batch_shape, A)
final_success = (final_err_norm < tolerance).any(dim=-2) # shape: (*batch_shape, A)
best_q_list = []
for i, js in enumerate(joint_slices):
sel = best_idx[..., i].unsqueeze(-1) # shape: (*batch_shape, 1)
q_seg = q[..., js] # shape: (*batch_shape, num_retries, dof_range)
indices = sel.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*sel.shape, q_seg.shape[-1])
best_q_list.append(torch.gather(q_seg, dim=-2, index=indices).squeeze(-2))
best_q = torch.cat(best_q_list, dim=-1)
return best_q, final_success