Source code for fastdev.utils.model_summary

import math
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import rich
import torch.nn as nn
from rich.table import Table

[docs] console = rich.get_console()
[docs] PARAMETER_NUM_UNITS = [" ", "K", "M", "B", "T"]
# Ref:
[docs] def get_human_readable_count(number: Union[int, float]) -> str: """Abbreviates an integer number with K, M, B, T for thousands, millions, billions and trillions, respectively. Examples: >>> get_human_readable_count(123) '123 ' >>> get_human_readable_count(1234) # (one thousand) '1.2 K' >>> get_human_readable_count(2e6) # (two million) '2.0 M' >>> get_human_readable_count(3e9) # (three billion) '3.0 B' >>> get_human_readable_count(4e14) # (four hundred trillion) '400 T' >>> get_human_readable_count(5e15) # (more than trillion) '5,000 T' Args: number: a positive integer number Return: A string formatted according to the pattern described above. """ assert number >= 0 labels = PARAMETER_NUM_UNITS num_digits = int(math.floor(math.log10(number)) + 1 if number > 0 else 1) num_groups = int(math.ceil(num_digits / 3)) num_groups = min(num_groups, len(labels)) # don't abbreviate beyond trillions shift = -3 * (num_groups - 1) number = number * (10**shift) index = num_groups - 1 if index < 1 or number >= 100: return f"{int(number):,d} {labels[index]}" return f"{number:,.1f} {labels[index]}"
# Ref:
[docs] def summarize_model(model: nn.Module, max_depth: int = 1): if not isinstance(max_depth, int) or max_depth < -1: raise ValueError(f"`max_depth` can be -1, 0 or > 0, got {max_depth}.") mods: List[Tuple[str, nn.Module]] if max_depth == 0: mods = [] elif max_depth == 1: # the children are the top-level modules mods = list(model.named_children()) else: mods = model.named_modules() mods = list(mods)[1:] # do not include root module (nn.Module) if max_depth >= 1: mods = [m for m in mods if m[0].count(".") < max_depth] # do not count modules without parameters mod_num_params = {name: sum(p.numel() for p in mod.parameters()) for name, mod in mods} mod_num_trainable_params = {name: sum(p.numel() for p in mod.parameters() if p.requires_grad) for name, mod in mods} table = Table(title=f"Model Summary: [bold magenta]{model.__class__.__name__}[/]", header_style="bold magenta") table.add_column("", style="dim") table.add_column("Name", justify="left", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Type") table.add_column("Params", justify="right") table.add_column("Trainable Params", justify="right") for idx, (name, mod) in enumerate(mods): if mod_num_params[name] == 0: continue table.add_row( str(idx), name, mod.__class__.__name__, get_human_readable_count(mod_num_params[name]), get_human_readable_count(mod_num_trainable_params[name]), ) console.print(table) total_params = sum(mod_num_params.values()) total_trainable_params = sum(mod_num_trainable_params.values()) grid = Table.grid(expand=True) grid.add_column() grid.add_column() grid.add_row(f"[bold]Total params[/]: {get_human_readable_count(total_params)}") grid.add_row(f"[bold]Trainable params[/]: {get_human_readable_count(total_trainable_params)}") grid.add_row(f"[bold]Non-trainable params[/]: {get_human_readable_count(total_params - total_trainable_params)}") console.print(grid)