fastdev.sim_webui.maniskill_webui ================================= .. py:module:: fastdev.sim_webui.maniskill_webui Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: get_component_meshes(component: sapien.physx.PhysxRigidBaseComponent) Get component (collision) meshes in the component's frame. .. py:class:: ManiSkillStateManger Bases: :py:obj:`fastdev.sim_webui.webui.StateManager` State manager for multiple scenes. .. py:attribute:: component_poses_history :type: List[Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]] :value: [] .. py:attribute:: component_colors :type: Dict[str, fastdev.sim_webui.webui.Color] .. py:attribute:: component_name_to_asset_id :type: Dict[str, str] .. py:attribute:: component_name_to_scene_indices :type: Dict[str, List[int]] .. py:attribute:: scene_index_to_component_names :type: Dict[int, List[str]] .. py:method:: get_scene_num_frames(scene_index: int) -> int .. py:method:: get_frame_viser_asset_states(scene_index: int, frame_index: int) -> List[fastdev.sim_webui.webui.ViserAssetState] .. py:property:: num_scenes :type: int .. py:method:: get_scene_last_updated(scene_index: int) -> float .. py:method:: reset() .. py:method:: set_robot_state(*args, **kwargs) .. py:method:: set_mesh_state(*args, **kwargs) .. py:method:: set_point_cloud_state(*args, **kwargs) .. py:method:: __getitem__(scene_index: int) .. py:method:: __hash__() -> int .. py:method:: __repr__() -> str .. py:method:: __str__() -> str .. py:class:: ManiSkillWebUI(env: gymnasium.Env, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 8080, disable_cache: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`fastdev.sim_webui.webui.SimWebUI` WebUI for simulator and 3D scene visualization. .. py:method:: set_robot_state(*args, **kwargs) Set the state of a robot asset. :param asset_id: Asset ID of the robot asset. :type asset_id: str :param joint_values: Multi-frame (or single-frame) joint values. Defaults to None. :type joint_values: Optional[JointValuesT], optional :param root_poses: Multi-frame (or single-frame) root poses. Defaults to None. :type root_poses: Optional[PosesT], optional :param scene_index: Scene index. Defaults to None. :type scene_index: Optional[int], optional .. note:: The number of frames of the asset state is determined by the number of joint values provided. .. py:method:: set_mesh_state(*args, **kwargs) Set the state of a mesh asset. :param asset_id: Asset ID of the mesh asset. :type asset_id: str :param scene_index: Scene index. Defaults to None. :type scene_index: Optional[int], optional :param poses: Multi-frame (or single-frame) poses. Defaults to None. :type poses: Optional[PosesLike], optional :param scale: Scale factor. Defaults to 1.0. :type scale: ScaleLike, optional :param color: Color of the mesh, use random color if not provided. Defaults to None. :type color: ColorLike, optional .. note:: The number of frames of the asset state is determined by the number of poses provided. .. py:method:: set_point_cloud_state(*args, **kwargs) Set the state of a point cloud asset. :param asset_id: Asset ID of the point cloud asset. :type asset_id: str :param scene_index: Scene index. Defaults to None. :type scene_index: Optional[int], optional :param poses: Multi-frame (or single-frame) poses. Defaults to None. :type poses: Optional[PosesLike], optional :param scale: Scale factor. Defaults to 1.0. :type scale: ScaleLike, optional :param color: Color of the point cloud. Defaults to None. :type color: Optional[ColorLike], optional .. note:: The number of frames of the asset state is determined by the number of poses provided. .. py:method:: __repr__() -> str .. py:method:: __str__() -> str