fastdev.viz =========== .. py:module:: fastdev.viz Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 /api/fastdev/viz/image/index Package Contents ---------------- .. py:function:: draw_points(img: numpy.ndarray, pts: numpy.ndarray, colors: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, radius=1, order='uv') -> numpy.ndarray :param img: original image :type img: ndarray :param pts: points, shaped (n x 2) or (2) :type pts: ndarray :param colors: color, shaped (n x 3) or (3) :type colors: ndarray :param radius: radius of points :type radius: int :param order: order of points, "uv" or "xy", default "uv" (since most keypoints dataset use uv order) :type order: str